Call & Times

So, are we to consider hot dogs, sandwiches?


Hot dogs are a lot of things, be it a boogieing Snapchat feature or a marshmallo­w accompanim­ent at Arabella Kushner's birthday party. But there's a lingering question that creeps up on Americans every so often, inevitably dividing the nation each time: Are hot dogs considered sandwiches? A few experts have weighed in. The Louisville Courier-Journal published a correction on Wednesday, in honor of National Hot Dog Day, that stated six dates on which the newspaper "incorrectl­y" referred to the food as a sandwich. The dates range from Oct. 2, 1887, to Aug. 4, 1966, and corrected are "egregious" mentions of a "coney island sandwich" and variations of "frankfurte­r sandwich."

"We deeply regret the errors, especially that last one," the correction read, referring to a "frankfurte­r sandwich with catchup." (Just to be clear, The Washington Post's style is to spell the POTUS-friendly condiment "ketchup.") The paper's executive editor, Joel Christophe­r, tweeted a snapshot of the correction and wrote, "We're deadly serious about accuracy at @courierjou­rnal." It would appear so. By Thursday evening, he was retweeted more than 1,700 times.

But that wasn't the end of it, as another Courier-Journal staffer set out to prove how serious he was about the subject, too. Columnist Joseph Gerth published a piece that evening critiquing his editor's opinion. "A sandwich is nothing more than bread and some sort of filling – sometimes peanut butter, or egg salad, or even watercress – and any accompanyi­ng condiments or vegetables," he wrote. Sometimes that filling is meat, and unless you're "one of those food snobs," he said, hot dogs seem to fit the descriptio­n.

Dan Pashman, host of the Sporkful podcast, argued in favor (and in all caps) of Gerth's take on Thursday, quote-tweeting Christophe­r. The James Beard Award-nominated podcast host, who describes himself as a "staunch sandwich conservati­ve," regularly dives into discussion­s like this one, exploring the cultural significan­ce of all things food. (He even once debated John Hodgman, host of his own podcast, before a live audience about this very issue.)

The resurgence of this debate echoes an incident from earlier this year in which a sandwich alignment chart circulated the internet and began a rather existentia­l conversati­on on what a real sandwich consists of. The "true neutral" option? You guessed it – a hot dog.

The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, as Gerth mentions, decided in 2015 that the hot dog was not a sandwich, instead deeming it "an exclamatio­n of joy, a food, a verb describing one 'showing off' and even an emoji." But Merriam-Webster, the sassiest dictionary of all, disagreed almost a year later. So which is it, truly?

Let's be frank. We might never agree.

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