Call & Times

Time to repeal the un-affordable care act


To the editor,

The health care bill has been in the news lately, and the question is whether to repeal and replace it, or try to “fix” the un-affordable care act.

Obamacare was passed with only Democrats voting for it. It was forced on the American people and was a death warrant for America – socialized medicine which is third-world poison – imposed on all of us (except for the politician­s, of course).

It was a 2,000-page document that Nancy Pelosi said we should pass even though nobody read it. It included a big lie by Obama himself, who said that you could keep your doctor and it would save you money! The opposite was true. Prices skyrockete­d and you could not keep your doctor. And if you did not have insurance, you had to pay a penalty! How’s that for choice!?

Now, Congress is debating what to do. I hope they repeal the entire Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare,” and take the advice of commentato­r Mike Huckabee, who said “Obamacare is like having a big pot of stew that is infected with bacte- ria, and some Republican­s are adding things or taking things out trying to keep this boondoggle,” but the whole mess should be thrown out and real health care reform enacted.

And by the way, since when is killing considered health care? Under Obamacare, all Americans are forced to pay for abortions whether you like it or not. If this doesn’t make you sick, then maybe your next bill will.

Jeanette Nally North Attleboro

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