Call & Times

‘PattiCake$’ unleashes a surprise rap star

Ambitious Jersey girl powers sleeper comedy


Patti Dombrowski is 23 years old, living in a working-class northern New Jersey suburb with her mother and grandmothe­r, tending bar at a local watering hole and nursing dreams of stardom. A Bruce Springstee­n song plays while we watch Patti's daily routine, and in many ways she embodies the Boss' most enduring musical characters: The strivers who continue to yearn for something better, no matter how many times their hopes are dashed by a rigged system, self-deception or simple crummy luck.

But Patti veers from the typical Jersey-girl stereotype in important ways that "Patti Cake$," Geremy Jasper's endearing, infectious­ly inspiring debut feature, both confronts and celebrates. Played by the freckled, frizzy-haired Danielle Macdonald, Patti is a heavyset white girl who longs to be a rapper, spitting motivation­al rhymes into her bathroom mirror just before attending to her ailing Nana (played by a nearly unrecogniz­able Cathy Moriarty). Patti longs to leave her life — to get signed by the hip-hop impresario O-Z (Sahr Ngaujah) and live in the closest thing she has to Emerald City, a Manhattan penthouse — but she's no moaner. She unhappily endures the taunts of her peers (who call her "Dumbo") and the neediness and criticisms of her mother, Barb (Bridget Everett), but Patti has a loyal best friend and collaborat­or named Jheri (Siddharth Dhananjay) who, along with her raspy-voiced Nana, shares her resolute belief in her own talent.

Macdonald, who is from Australia, imbues her character with just the right balance of tenacity and vulnerabil­ity. She not only masters the New Jersey accent, but also completely owns Patti's raps, which hew to the coarse convention­s of the form and also burst with its unbridled brio, humor and incisive observatio­n. During a pivotal rap battle in "Patti Cake$," for which Jasper wrote Patti's brilliantl­y cutting rhymes, a boy she has a crush on calls her "the white Precious." It's intended as an insult, but the comparison is apt: Like Gabourey Sidibe's indelible, indomitabl­e young heroine, Patti is a force of nature, an avatar of girl power at its most spontaneou­s and ungovernab­le.

As confident as Macdonald is with Patti's raps, the most electrifyi­ng moments of "Patti Cake$" take place between her and Everett, a real-life cabaret singer who turns out to be the perfect choice to play the embittered Barb, a onetime blues singer who has taken out her own disappoint­ments on the daughter she insists on treating like a sister. Paying respectful homage to the music of Barb's era, "Patti Cake$" winds up being a celebratio­n of art, enterprise and self-invention that's as tough as it is touching. At the risk of mixing metaphors, not to mention musical genres, it rocks.

Three stars. Rated R. Contains obscenity, crude sexual references, some drug use and a brief nude image. 109 minutes.

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