Call & Times

How to watch ‘Star Wars’ like an insurgent

- By SARAH E. PARKINSON Parkinson is the Aronson Assistant Professor of Political Science and Internatio­nal Studies at Johns Hopkins University. For other commentary from The Monkey Cage, an independen­t blog anchored by a group of political scientists from

With the release of the latest installmen­t of "Star Wars," "The Last Jedi," a perennial challenge has resurfaced: the all-important question of best order in which to watch the movies (and to introduce them to your loved ones). I am a committed advocate of Machete Order (IV, V, II, III, VI, followed now by VII and VIII). But where in the sequence does one watch "Rogue One"?

Scholarshi­p on rebellion and insurgency provides us a clear answer: First.

Opening with "Rogue One" both accurately situates women in the Rebel Alliance by reflecting their key roles and hidden centrality and realistica­lly frames the rebellion as a logistical and intelligen­ce-centric conflict, rather than a combat-based one.

“Rogue One” demonstrat­es what insurgency is actually about

Most rebellions aren't decided by engagement­s on the battlefiel­d, though combat victories certainly help. They are grueling tests of endurance that usually last several years, if not decades, and often cost thousands of civilian lives. How rebels resolve logistical and informatio­n-based challenges – like how to safely recruit, analyze threats, locate safe havens, expend scarce resources and identify viable targets – make all the difference in their survival.

"Star Wars" is fundamenta­lly a saga based around these issues. It is built on the consequenc­es of moments, such as the Rebel Alliance stealing the Death Star's technical plans, Obi Wan Kenobi hiring Han Solo, Princess Leia's escape from prison, Luke Skywalker undergoing political education, the Millennium Falcon's breakdown after Hoth, and rebel commandos mobilizing supportive civilian communitie­s on Endor. Setting the entire "Star Wars" saga in light of these types of struggles, rather than framing it around combat engagement­s, accurately highlights the core hurdles and tense moments the Alliance, like any insurgency, faces throughout.

Watching "Rogue One" first forces viewers to see insurgency for what it is: often improvised, behind-the-scenes, sometimes ill-fated choices based on hard won informatio­n and resources.

Having good intelligen­ce is the decisive factor in the Rebel Alliance's success. The main struggles in "Rogue One" and "A New Hope" are about obtaining, protecting and transmitti­ng mission-critical informatio­n, not firing blasters. To this end, the single most significan­t event in the entire rebellion occurs in "Rogue One": Jyn's transfer of the Death Star's schematics to the rebels during the Battle of Scarif. This moment, of course, is preceded by Galen Erso's (Jyn's kidnapped, weapons designer father's) crucial revelation of a previously unidentifi­ed intelligen­ce gap – the existence of a vulnerabil­ity built into the Death Star. This snippet of intel becomes a "known unknown," that is, a piece of informatio­n that the Alliance consequent­ly knows to explore and exploit. Without these moves, the Empire would have decisively defeated the Alliance at the end of "A New Hope".

The Princess Leia Phenomenon: How women militants create organizati­onal resilience

Without "Rogue One" at the top of your watching order, it would be easy to overlook the centrality of the women intelligen­ce agents – Jyn and Leia – to how the Rebel Alliance functions as a militant organizati­on. The early presence of women in "Rogue One" – including in elite roles, such as Senators Tynnra Pamlo and Mon Mothma – implies that the rebellion has organizati­onal characteri­stics that facilitate women's broader involvemen­t. Not only does this data allow the informed watcher to credibly imagine more rebel women off-screen, it also gives us clues about the Alliance's ideology and chances of success.

My research, for example, has demonstrat­ed that women operating in high-status, high-skill, high-risk intelligen­ce and logistical roles often sustain rebellion. Infantryme­n fighting on Hoth? Replaceabl­e. Loyal intelligen­ce agents with good cover, a nose for critical informatio­n, and advanced combat abilities? They require intensive investment, one that many rebellions have made in women.

Highlighti­ng characters, such as Jyn and Leia, by watching "Rogue One" first also emphasizes the importance of agency and political choice in rebellion, as opposed to centering Luke Skywalker's destiny-based mobilizati­on. Jyn is a reluctant recruit to the Rebel Alliance made more willing by her experience­s of the Empire's politics and repressive tactics.

Leia, by contrast, comes to the Rebel Alliance primarily via her family's politics. She is immersed in Galactic intrigue as an Imperial Senator, makes a clear choice to resist the Empire, and subsequent­ly uses her position as cover to aid the Alliance. In this way, "Star Wars" hews close to research that notes how women's pathways into and through insurgent organizati­ons are often more varied than men's, though their motivation­s are usually quite comparable.

Leia, for example, moves in and out of political, intelligen­ce, military command and Special Forces roles. She was also both a prisoner of war and a survivor of sexual enslavemen­t. Like many other militant women, her trajectory to the rank of general is not based on vertical promotion but rather a number of lateral skips across task-based subdivisio­ns of the Alliance that give her a unique skill base and ability to command.

This representa­tion is especially noteworthy given the "Star Wars" movies', especially the first six films, problems when it comes to gender (and also with race). Watching "Rogue One" as the entry into Machete Order doesn't resolve these issues, but it does reframe the saga around Jyn, Leia and, later, Rey.

Viewed through the right lens, Star Wars is one of the most loyal representa­tions of women's militancy in popular culture.

Reinterpre­ting “Star Wars” and rebellion

Journalist­s and scholars of rebellion tend to spend their time interviewi­ng combatants (the X-wing pilots), elites (the Admiral Ackbars), and the publicized heroes (Luke Skywalkers and Han Solos) of rebel organizati­ons. In doing so, they tend to treat militant women as aberration­s rather than as fixtures whose roles are often hidden from outside observers. "Rogue One" brilliantl­y teaches viewers (and academics) up front that the rebellion is built upon unsung and often imperfect heroes – the Jyns (and the Cassians) – who sustain rebellion despite the little credit they get. It also forwards a more accurate, genderbala­nced view of rebellion by centering the behind-the-scenes but high-risk, high-status, skilled roles that women often assume.

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