Call & Times

‘Little Rose’ honor is a lasting tribute


Letter to the Editor:

On the afternoon of December 3, in the year 2017, in Bristol, Rhode Island, as Marie Rose Ferron was honored by being inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame, I sat and watched it all happen and felt as if I were in a dream.

I was born in Woonsocket, Rhode Island and have always known that my home state was very special and unique. I was taught that Roger Williams founded Rhode Island to escape religious persecutio­n. Rhode Island’s state flag has the symbol of the anchor and the word HOPE on it. Roger William’s Rhode Island had its anchor of hope in God.

And now my home city of Woonsocket takes on a new shine with the induction of honor for someone I have known about all my life: Marie “Little Rose” Ferron.

I was told as a child, by my grandfathe­r William J. O’Coin Sr., that she would one day become a saint. The look in my grandfathe­r’s face as he would say this to us, embodied a deep reverence as he spoke of her. He met her, and while he did know that he would not live to see her become a saint, he told me that I just might.

And if future sainthood is not to be for my beautiful Little Rose, then this lasting tribute to her memory is very comforting to me. She lived a lifetime of suffering for the love of her Jesus and the salvation of souls. She was a living reflection of Christ crucified. So to honor her, is to honor HIM.

And the creation of her new foundation here in Woonsocket, Rhode Island is another source of comfort to me and I am very honored to be a part it. The Rose Ferron Foundation of Rhode Island has a huge responsibi­lity ahead to continue honoring her and assuring that future generation­s will know and love her. And in turn, make known the great value there is in the pain and sufferings of our lives, when lovingly and silently offered up to Jesus on the cross.

—Cathy Boisvert, Smithfield (Rose Ferron Foundation of Rhode Island member)

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