Call & Times

Trump voices support for protesters in Iran


WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion on Tuesday threw the weight of the U.S. government behind the protesters taking to the streets of Iran.

As Iran’s supreme leader accused “enemies of Iran” of trying to destabiliz­e his country, the State Department pressed Tehran to unblock social media sites used by the protesters. It offered advice to tech-savvy Iranians on circumvent­ing state internet controls.

President Donald Trump declared it was “time for change” in Iran, and other officials floated the possibilit­y of additional sanctions. At the United Nations, Ambassador Nikki Haley sought a Security Council meeting to show support for those protesting in the Islamic Republic.

“We want to help amplify the voices of the Iranian people,” said Haley, who appeared before cameras to recite the chants of protesters across Iran. She said Iran’s claim that other countries were fomenting the unrest was “complete nonsense,” describing the dissent as homegrown.

Borrowing from a response playbook it has used before, Iran’s government blamed the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Britain for the protests. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the 78-year-old supreme leader, said Iran’s enemies were using

money, weapons, politics and spies “to create problems for the Islamic system, the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution.”

Trump was undeterred, praising Iranians for “finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime.” In an allusion to possible sanctions in response to human rights violations, Trump said the United States would closely monitor the situation.

“The U.S. is watching!” the president tweeted.

At least 21 people have died and hundreds have been arrested over six days of demonstrat­ions, the largest in Iran since the “Green Movement” that erupted in 2009 following a disputed presidenti­al election. The new outbreak started in Mashhad, Iran’s second-largest city, and has expanded to many others.

Iranian authoritie­s have sought to suppress the protests in part by shutting down key social media sites protesters use to communicat­e, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the messaging app Telegram. On Tuesday, Undersecre­tary of State Steve Goldstein urged Iran’s government to unblock the sites.

“They are legitimate avenues for communicat­ion,” Goldstein said. He said the U.S. has an “obligation not to stand by.”

Iranians seeking to evade the blocks can use virtual private networks, Goldstein said. Known as VPNs, the services create encrypted data “tunnels” between computers and can be used to access overseas websites blocked by the local government.

The primary U.S. goal is to ensure enough global attention to deter Iranian authoritie­s from violently cracking down on protesters with impunity, said a senior State Department official involved in Iran policy. The official wasn’t authorized to comment by name and demanded anonymity.

Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. took a more regime-friendly approach during the last major wave of anti-government protests.

But former Sen. Joe Lieberman, a staunch Iran critic, said it’s a given Tehran will portray dissent as externally provoked.

“That’s a very weak excuse for American inaction and inconsiste­ncy with our own interests and values. I’m glad President Trump is not following that advice,” Lieberman said in an interview.

It wasn’t immediatel­y clear what effect Trump’s support was having on the protests, although Iran’s state TV reported his tweets and some Iranians shared them online.

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