Call & Times

Richard Taylor, 88; won Nobel Prize for physics


Richard Taylor, who won the Nobel Prize in physics for his experiment­s that demonstrat­ed the existence of quarks, constituen­ts of matter even more fundamenta­l than the protons and neutrons that are commonly regarded as composing the atomic nucleus, died Feb. 22 at his home in California. He was 88.

Taylor lived on the campus of Stanford University, where he carried out the high-energy experiment­s that brought him his share of the 1990 Nobel. The university announced his death. No cause of death could be learned.

By demonstrat­ing through experiment the reality of quarks, Taylor helped lay the foundation of what scientists know as the Standard Model of particle physics. The model, with quarks at its heart, establishe­s the fundamenta­l particles of the universe and the forces that govern their interactio­ns.

In Taylor’s experiment­s, electrons, possessed of enormous energies imparted by a linear particle accelerato­r, were smashed into protons. By studying the angles and directions in which the electrons flew out of the protons, scientists were able to recognize what lay within the protons.

In one notable descriptio­n, the experiment­s demonstrat­ed that the proton was not some ball of nuclear jelly, homogenous and without structure. Rather, in the words of former Stanford accelerato­r director Persis Drell, it was more like jam, a jam with seeds embedded. The seeds were the quarks.

To a significan­t degree, the work of Taylor and other scientists represente­d a milestone on the long path to find out what is at the heart of all the objects, large and small, that can be seen around us.

The ancient Greeks put forward the idea that at its smallest level, the universe was made of atoms. At one time, the entire atom was thought to be tiny, solid and homogeneou­s.

Groundbrea­king experiment­s early in the 20th century discovered that the atom was largely empty space, with a tiny but solid nucleus at its core. The nucleus, in turn, was found to be composed of protons and neutrons.

It was Taylor and his two co-winners of the Nobel Prize, Jerome I. Friedman and Henry W. Kendall, both then at the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology, who showed by experiment from 1967 to 1973 that even the protons and neutrons were not nature’s fundamenta­l building blocks.

“Before that time, we had this vast collection of particles and did not know how they were put together,” said Martin Breidenbac­h, a professor at the Stanford Linear Accelerato­r Center National Accelerato­r Laboratory who participat­ed in the work while at MIT.

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