Call & Times

Flour difference­s shouldn’t be whitewashe­d


You probably have a bag of flour in your pantry. And it’s probably all-purpose, the workhorse of baking. But there are plenty of other, more specialize­d flours out there, and even if you’re just starting to dabble in baking, it will help to have a basic understand­ing of flour varieties. The biggest difference to consider is protein content, which is often referred to in percentage­s.

Here’s a rundown of the major types:

All-purpose: The jack of all trades, hence the name. This versatile staple is what you’ll be pulling out most times you want to make almost anything: cookies, cakes, muffins, brownies, and even some breads and pizza dough. So if you’re going to keep one type of flour in your pantry, this is it. The brand you use does make a difference to a certain extent, since protein content can vary from 10 to 12 percent.

Whole wheat: As the name indicates, it’s made from the entire wheat kernel, including the bran (protective outer lay- er), endosperm (the starchy food for the seed that surrounds it, used in white flour) and germ (the seed). Its protein content is 13 to 14 percent. The fat in the wheat germ can go rancid, which is why it should be stored in the refrigerat­or or freezer. Whole-wheat flour will give your baked goods a nuttier flavor, darker color and heartier texture. I like it in muffins, quick breads and rustic yeasted loaves.

Bread: Best for bread (obviously) and other baked goods that use yeast. The higher protein content – about 12 to 14 percent – helps create more gluten, which gives bread its characteri­stic chew. That stretch is what allows a dough to rise without collapsing under the slow-acting power of yeast. When making more delicate baked goods such as cake or cookies, use bread flour in place of all-purpose only at your peril; the swap will probably cause whatever you are baking to come out tough and dense. High gluten: Similar to bread flour, but with a slightly higher protein content (14 percent). This is mostly available online and probably not worth it if you are a typical home baker.

Cake: Many of your cake recipes will call for all-purpose flour, but there are times when you might find yourself reaching for cake flour. Its low protein content (6 to 8 percent) and very smooth, fine consistenc­y give baked goods a tender texture and high rise. Think angel food cake, chiffon cake and biscuits. If you don’t want a separate box, you can get away with using a lower-protein all-purpose flour with similar, if not identical, results.

Pastry: Made with the same kind of softer wheat that gives cake flour its silky feel, pastry flour has a protein content (around 9 percent) that falls between cake and all-purpose. It’s not something even a relatively avid baker will need very often, although some people swear by it for delicate, flaky pie crusts.

Self-rising: This is lower-protein (around 8 to 10 percent) all-purpose flour with salt and baking powder mixed in. In lieu of self-rising flour, you can add 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt per cup of all-purpose flour.

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