Call & Times

The ignominiou­s fall of Rudolph Giuliani

- By MAX BOOT Max Boot, a Post columnist, is the Jeane J. Kirkpatric­k senior fellow for national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and a global affairs analyst for CNN.

To be a prelapsari­an conservati­ve in America today – as that creed was understood before 2016 – means getting used to heartbreak. One after another, conservati­ves that I have admired and respected – Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Bill Bennett, Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, Scott Walker and many others – have failed the Trump test. They have sacrificed their purported principles to curry favor with a populist demagogue who is turning the Republican Party into the American version of France’s National Front.

The most conspicuou­s Republican to fall from grace – and he had a long way to fall because he once reached such a lofty pinnacle – is Rudy Giuliani. He has gone, in Joe Scarboroug­h’s biting but accurate phrase, from “America’s mayor” to Trump’s chump. But not even the gaudy, post-9/11 phrase “America’s mayor” can convey the true depth of Giuliani’s achievemen­t, especially to a non-New Yorker.

Giuliani, more than any other individual, made New York what it is today: one of the safest, richest and most dynamic cities in the world. There is not in Manhattan today a single “bad” neighborho­od – every part of the borough is thriving, and Brooklyn is catching up fast.

This was not the case when Giuliani became mayor in 1994, the very year I moved to New York. Back then the city was being asphyxiate­d by crime, economic malaise, racial tensions, graffiti, garbage, dysfunctio­nal but expensive government and myriad other ills. Those were the days when the middle class was fleeing the city, jobs were disappeari­ng, people were afraid to walk through Central Park, and drivers routinely put signs in the window of their cars proclaimin­g “no radio” to ward off thieves. I haven’t seen a single such sign in years and I think nothing of strolling through Central Park – or anyplace else. New York is now a magnet for talented newcomers from all over the world, and if New Yorkers are being driven out, it’s due to high real-estate prices, not urban decay.

The mayors who have come since Giuliani – Michael Bloomberg and now Bill de Blasio – have done a good job of maintainin­g the quality of life and even improving it while smoothing off some of the rough edges of the Giuliani approach. But the quality-of-life revolution started under Giuliani’s uncompromi­sing leadership. The numbers tell the story: In 1993, the year that Giuliani was elected, there were 1,946 murders. In 2001, the last year of his mayoralty, the number was down to 649. That’s a decline of more than 66 percent. It’s true that crime was also dropping across the country, but it seemed to fall further and faster in New York City than anywhere else.

It wasn’t all Giuliani’s doing: His predecesso­r, David Dinkins, hired more cops, and Giuliani’s first police chief, William Bratton, improved the effectiven­ess of the NYPD by using a statistic-driven approach called CompStat to deploy cops where they were needed most. But it was Giuliani who provided the political cover for the NYPD to take a tough-on-crime approach that initially drew criticism (some of it warranted) from minority communitie­s. One can only imagine what Mayor Giuliani would have said if someone had called the cops “stormtroop­ers” – the epithet that he has now applied to his former law-enforcemen­t colleagues who are investigat­ing the president’s personal lawyer. Giuliani also restored fiscal sanity by reducing taxes and spending and cutting welfare rolls in half.

It was one of the most spectacula­r achievemen­ts in governance in modern America. Just as Ronald Reagan dispelled the widespread impression that America was in terminal decline, so Giuliani dispelled that same impression about America’s largest city.

Not only was Giuliani an exceptiona­lly able leader, but he was also, despite his intemperat­e style, a political moderate. He is a supporter of immigratio­n, abortion rights, gun control and gay rights. He celebrated diversity and denounced as “inhumane” a 1994 California initiative that cut off undocument­ed immigrants from access to state services such as public schools.

Giuliani was so impressive that I considered supporting his presidenti­al campaign in 2008. Instead, I went to work as a foreign-policy adviser for John McCain, but my admiration for “America’s mayor” remained undiminish­ed – until Giuliani decided in 2016 to become an apologist for a candidate who had spent a lifetime obliterati­ng the kind of ethical redlines that he had spent his own career enforcing.

What happened? Giuliani, like the rest of us, always had character flaws; in his case, they include arrogance, vanity, vindictive­ness, self-righteousn­ess, intoleranc­e of criticism and lapses in judgment. As U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York in the 1980s, he launched high-profile prosecutio­ns of Wall Street figures that were later thrown out of court.

My theory is that Trump, the most deeply flawed individual ever to occupy the Oval Office, exposes and magnifies the flaws of his followers. Like so many other Republican­s, Giuliani has failed the Trump test. He is far from alone: Hardly any prominent Republican will emerge from this sorry epoch with reputation intact.

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