Call & Times

Conn. voters back proposed Electoral College pool


HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Connecticu­t’s General Assembly voted Saturday to join a group of states that want to pool their Electoral College votes for the presidenti­al candidate who wins the popular vote, the first state legislatur­e to do so since President Donald Trump’s 2016 election.

If Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy signs the legislatio­n into law, as expected, Connecticu­t will be the 12th jurisdicti­on — a combinatio­n of 11 states and the District of Columbia — to enter the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

“People are very excited. It really helps,” said Barry Fadem, president of the California-based National Popular Vote organizati­on. After lobbying Connecticu­t lawmakers to join the group for 11 years, Fadem said he hopes other states will now be encouraged to join.

The bill passed the state Senate on a 21-14 vote, with three Republican­s joining 18 Democrats. It previously passed the House of Representa­tives 73-71.

Under the compact, participat­ing states require their Electoral College voters to cast ballots for the national popular vote winner. In theory it would take effect once it involves states representi­ng at least 270 electoral votes, the threshold to win the presidency. With the expected addition of Connecticu­t’s seven electoral votes, the group now has 172.

When people vote for president, they really are choosing electors from the political parties.

The college is made up of 538 electors, which correspond­s to the number of seats held by states in the U.S. Senate and House, plus the three votes allotted to Washington, D.C. In the case of Trump, the Republican won the Electoral College but not the popular vote. Democrat Hillary Clinton won Connecticu­t in 2016.

Democratic State Rep. Matthew Lesser has been working on the issue in Connecticu­t since 2009 and believes Trump’s electoral victory gave the issue “some renewed momentum,” especially among activists who pushed for the legislatio­n this session.

“My hope is, as other states take a look at it, that it won’t simply be an effort to re-litigate the 2016 election,” he said. Rather, he hopes states reflect on how two recent presidents, Trump and former Republican President George W. Bush in 2000, lost the popular vote but still won the election.

Opponents, however, argue that Connecticu­t’s influence in the presidenti­al election will be hurt by the national popular vote. Republican Sen. Michael McLachlan predicted that candidates will only focus on large population centers, ignoring rural areas and small states like Connecticu­t.

“If you live in New York City, they may as well send limousines to get people to the polls,” said McLachlan, who also predicted “a legal train wreck” if the compact ultimately gets enough states to vote in unison for the popular vote winner.

But supporters contend the legislatio­n will re-energize disappoint­ed voters who believe their votes don’t count.

“Every person in the United States has the right to an equal voice in how our country is governed, and enacting a national popular vote ensures that right is upheld,” said Democratic Sen. Mae Flexer.

Those jurisdicti­ons that that have joined the pact include California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachuse­tts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia — all where Clinton defeated Trump. Connecticu­t would be the first state to sign on since 2014, when New York joined.

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