Call & Times

Trump is right on China, wrong on tariffs

- By HAL BRANDS Brands is the Henry A. Kissinger Distinguis­hed Professor at the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced Internatio­nal Studies and a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary

Bloomberg View

The U.S. and China continue to head toward a possible trade war, as negotiatio­ns to bridge the gap between the two countries last week ended inconclusi­vely. Donald Trump’s administra­tion has demanded far-reaching Chinese concession­s to reduce the bilateral trade deficit, address Beijing’s mercantili­st trade practices, and open up key sectors of the Chinese economy to greater foreign competitio­n.

The White House has underscore­d its demands by applying sanctions on steel, aluminum and a host of other imports and restrictio­ns on Chinese investment. Beijing has responded in kind, imposing tariffs on an array of American goods from frozen pork to aluminum scrap and offering only minimal concession­s.

The consequenc­es of a full-on confrontat­ion between the world’s two largest national economies would be quite serious across the globe. But the Trump administra­tion is not entirely wrong to be disrupting the U.S.-China trade relationsh­ip. Rather, the story here is a familiar one in the Trump era: The president is blending a halfway-sound insight on global affairs with deeply counterpro­ductive execution.

The basic insight is Trump’s argument that unfettered economic integratio­n with China isn’t necessaril­y a good thing. Since the end of the Cold War, U.S. officials have worked assiduousl­y to deepen the economic ties between China, the U.S. and the broader world, on the theory that a richer China would eventually become a more democratic and peaceful China. “Trade freely with China,” George W. Bush once said, “and time is on our side.” Unfortunat­ely, things haven’t quite worked out that way. China’s authoritar­ian rulers have used growing prosperity to buy off a growing middle class and avoid any meaningful political opening. And rather than becoming a satisfied member of the U.S.-led internatio­nal system, Beijing has used its wealth to pay for a vast military buildup and a wide-ranging geopolitic­al offensive that is testing that order more and more strenuousl­y.

Admittedly, China might well be a more disruptive actor were it not so involved in the internatio­nal economy, but the loftier ambitions that accompanie­d its insertion into global commerce have not yet been realized.

Meanwhile, economic integratio­n with China has had other problemati­c consequenc­es. Beijing has aggressive­ly targeted the U.S. manufactur­ing base as part of an effort to build its own domestic enterprise­s and establish a dominant position in a range of important industries, from steel to semiconduc­tors and beyond.

It has used subsidies, tariffs, forced technology transfer and other protection­ist approaches to reach for supremacy in high-technology sectors, including many with important national security and defense implicatio­ns.

Likewise, China is expanding its control of critical infrastruc­ture – from ports to telecommun­ications companies – around the world, as a way of strengthen­ing both its geo-economic and its geopolitic­al position.

Not least, China has used the economic leverage provided by its wealth for political ends. Beijing has relied on the allure of Chinese commerce and capital to silence criticism of its human rights abuses in Europe and elsewhere. It has also sought to limit American criticism of China through strategic investment­s in American universiti­es and think-tanks, and through the subtle coercion of U.S. corporatio­ns and news media. China, in other words, is playing for keeps. It is using the fruits of economic integratio­n with the U.S. and the broader world as a way of strengthen­ing its ability to compete against America and its allies.

If the U.S. is going to hold its own against the Chinese challenge, it will have to take a harder-edged geo-economic approach. In particular, this means figuring out how to limit bilateral economic integratio­n in key areas, or at least mitigating the vulnerabil­ities interdepen­dence creates.

The U.S. government, in cooperatio­n with American industry, will have to figure out how to shield particular­ly critical pieces of what has been called the “National Security Innovation Base” from predatory Chinese practices. Universiti­es and think tanks – which are themselves critical intellectu­al components of the innovation base – will have to think hard about how reliant their business model should be on students and money from China. The U.S. and its allies will need to devise better procedures for protecting infrastruc­ture that China may seek to control for geopolitic­al ends.

America doesn’t need to – and shouldn’t – make a clean economic break with China, but it certainly does need a more selective approach to openness. Here is where Trump’s approach contains some value. Limiting U.S. economic integratio­n with China will inevitably involve some near- and medium-term pain for the enterprise­s and consumers affected. Convincing voters to tolerate that pain – after nearly 30 years of U.S. presidents calling for ever-deeper economic ties with Beijing – will require initiating a serious public conservati­on about the more problemati­c aspects of the U.S.-China economic relationsh­ip.

Trump has at least started that conversati­on, albeit in his own provocativ­e, idiosyncra­tic and sometimes misleading way, by raising the prospect of a future in which America and China are becoming less rather than more intertwine­d.

Yet the theme of this administra­tion is so often “one step forward, two steps back,” and this case is no exception. For one thing, Trump’s obsession with the trade deficit tends to predispose him – if not necessaril­y the people who work for him – toward scattersho­t solutions rather than more targeted, strategic approaches. For another thing, his broader foreign economic policy, and his foreign policy writ large, are making it less likely that a tougher policy toward China will succeed.

Any program to manage interdepen­dence with China will be effective only if Washington can gain the cooperatio­n of its allies and partners in Europe as well as the Asia-Pacific.

In part, this is because China is adept at picking off stragglers through targeted trade and investment deals. Also in part, it is because the collective action dilemmas of managing interdepen­dence with China become easier to manage if the U.S. can act in concert with its friends, and because the economic pain of doing so is lessened if collective­ly they can simultaneo­usly deepen their economic integratio­n with one another. Finally, Beijing represents a truly formidable geopolitic­al and geo-economic challenge, and so the strength that numbers provide will be critical in competing effectivel­y.

Trump, unfortunat­ely, seems set on fracturing the U.S.-led coalition. He has done so rhetorical­ly from the outset, by voicing skepticism if not outright hostility toward many U.S. alliances and allies. He has also done it more concretely, by withdrawin­g from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, an initiative designed precisely to consolidat­e a U.S.-led economic community in the face of China’s rise, and by implementi­ng trade sanctions on steel and aluminum in ways that seem likely to hurt Europe and Japan as much as they injure China.

This is a pity.

The Trump administra­tion deserves some credit for talking about the threat that China poses more honestly and openly than any administra­tion in decades. The president himself is not wrong to force a discussion about how to manage interdepen­dence with a country that is more rival than partner. But foreign policy is ultimately about execution, and as in so many cases, Trump’s policies seem likely to isolate America on a matter where unity and concerted action are essential.

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