Call & Times

Life will soon be set on a new course

- Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers across the country for over 15 years. In addition, Catherine is featured on television and radio where she inspires viewers and listeners by offerin

Do you ever hope for a new life? Has it been one setback after the other, followed by another?

Maybe, you’ve struggled to make something transpire, and it might look like it’s not going to happen. You could have a situation that seems as though it will never change. Or, perhaps, you feel you’re the forgotten one; alone and overlooked.

No matter what you are up against, remember, God is for you….

He is by your side. And if God is for you, nothing can come against you.

So don’t get discourage­d. Do not be nervous or fearful. And never give up. God has something big in front of you.

There is going to be a miraculous turnaround in your life.

You don’t know. You could be steps away from a good break. “You will soar on wings like eagles; you will run and not get weary.”

(Isaiah 40:31).

You could be steps away from your healing. “You are armed with strength for every battle.” (Psalm 18:39).

You could be steps away from a breakthrou­gh. “In due season, you shall reap if you faint not.” (Galatians 6:9). You could be steps away from restoratio­n. “God restores your soul. He leads you in paths of righteousn­ess for His name’s sake.”

(Psalm 23:3).

You may not know how it will happen. But stay in faith. Soon, you are going to see God’s favor and blessings as you’ve never seen before.

Therefore, be encouraged. Just because you may be facing some changes or challenges, it doesn’t mean your life is over. Put your trust in God for your future. Don’t spend the majority of your time dwelling on negative events from the past that seemed unfair. Problems are not permanent; they are temporary, thus, look ahead. God hasn’t brought you this far to leave you here. So see yourself strong, prevailing over obstacles, and rising to new heights of achievemen­t. Speak words of vic- tory over your circumstan­ces. Keep hoping. Keep believing. Keep praying and persisting. God is getting ready to do something amazing for you. And your life will soon be set on a new course.

I read in the Bible beginning in Luke Chapter 8:40 that there was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. Yet, no one could heal her. She was weak, with little strength, but she saw Jesus as He was on his way to Jairus’s house. As Jesus was passing by, the woman was determined to reach Jesus. She believed that, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” (Mark 5:28). So, she did not give up and worked her way through the crowds until she came up just behind Him. Then, she reached out her hand and touched the edge of his cloak. Immediatel­y, her bleeding stopped. Jesus asked, “Who touched me?” But no one knew. However, Jesus felt ‘that power has gone out from him.’ The woman fell at his feet, told why she had touched him, and how she had been instantly restored to health. I love the words that Jesus spoke to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.’

With one touch, the woman’s health was completely restored, and her life was set on a new course. Hence, take courage and put your fears and uncertaint­ies into the God’s hands. For today, the Lord is saying to you; what He said to the woman in the Bible, “Your faith has healed you. Go forward in peace.”

A while ago, a dear reader wrote and told me that he was diagnosed with a rare disease. The experience left him forever changed. “It made me think long and hard about the way I looked at things, about what I believed, and I came away with a new perspectiv­e on life,” he wrote.

Instead of giving up, this man had faith that God would see him through. He prayed, remained optimistic and began to look forward. He asked himself, “What can I do to turn this situation around?”

Many times, if we visualize and validate a successful outcome, we tend to create that kind of condition. So this man looked past the treatments, made future plans and focused on how to live a healthy, joyful life. He didn’t walk around negative, worried or complainin­g. Rather, he filled his mind with the fear-eliminatin­g words of the Bible. He assembled a collection of passages that had to do with faith, memorizing each one. In the morning, he would set the tone for the day by saying phrases such as, “Today, I am going to be a blessing to someone,” “I am strong, healthy and happy,” “This is going to be a great day,” and “God is turning things around for my good and His glory.” For good thoughts and actions can produce affirmativ­e results.

The man tried to slow down and simplified his life by saying “no” to projects that did not fit into his time schedule or compromise­d his mental health. He chose associatio­ns and situations that contribute­d to his happiness and peace of mind and filled his time with creative choices, discoverin­g hidden talents. The man described how he spoke no ill words about anyone, and he let go of any bitterness he felt from the past. Additional­ly, he made it a point to do many kind and thoughtful deeds for others. Good and noble actions can give us a new viewpoint and helping others also gets our mind off of our own problems.

Recently, this reader wrote to me and explained in his letter that he has fully recovered. This man’s life was set on a new course, as he wrote, “Today is a beautiful day and I am thankful to God. Now, I want to help and encourage others going through the same thing.”

In the same way, God is about to set your life on a new course. And similar to this reader, it will be a great success. Therefore, “Trust in the Lord,” (Proverbs 3:5). “Wait on Him,” (Psalm 27:14). And, “You will be blessed.” (Isaiah 30:18).

One victory will lead to another. And God will bring love, new joys, new opportunit­ies and new blessings into your future.

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A New You

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