Call & Times

Pest, pruning and plants

What to do when pests pervade pots, and if pruning goes too far

- By ADRIAN HIGGINS The Washington Post’s gardening columnist Adrian Higgins answered questions recently in an online chat. Here is an edited excerpt:

Q: We have a number of potted plants that we bring in for the winter and put back outside when it warms up in the spring. This year we noticed that several, including one we leave indoors year round, have been infested with ants. Is there any way to get rid of the ants without harming the plants?

A: Ants are usually an indication of another pest, maybe aphids or more likely mealybugs. The ants farm these creatures for their honeydew secretions. Ants don’t harm plants, but mealybugs do. Before setting the pots outside, I would dunk them in the bathtub for a good hour or two, i.e. set the pots in a few inches of water until the soil is totally saturated. Check for mealybugs on the top growth. You can remove them with alcohol on cotton swabs. If there is a bad infestatio­n, it’s better to bag the plant and start again.

Q: I know wild violets are native, but they go where I don’t want them to. Do you pull, or just enjoy the beautiful blue flowers?

A: The common blue violet does look pretty but is astonishin­gly invasive. There are two basic approaches. The first is to take a knife or a fishtail weeder and pry up the submerged rhizome from which each tuft grows. The other approach is to declare them beautiful and do something else with your time.

Q: I have overgrown azalea bushes (some 10-plus feet high) that previous owners used bungee cords and poles to hold up instead of pruning. An arborist suggested we trim them way back but warned that we might lose the next year’s blooms. They also quoted several thousand to trim them. Any advice on how to start if we try to prune them ourselves?

A: Azaleas take well to deft pruning. Right after blooming is an excellent time to prune them, which you can do by taking back whole stems to where they join other branches. With some careful considerat­ion and practice, you can reduce the bulk of the shrub but also open it up. You will need a long-sleeve shirt, thick work gloves, a quality pair of hand pruners and sharp lopping shears, and maybe a sturdy step ladder. You might go and see the azalea collection at Washington’s National Arboretum, where they have been doing a program of rejuvenati­ng pruning.

Q: I have a small city garden that doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic, but the soil will get compacted from rain. I have dwarf mondo grass in some places and varieties of sedum in others. I like the way the sedum looks, and I prefer it to the mondo grass, but it doesn’t have much of a root system and the mondo grass roots go a few inches into the soil. Is a ground cover with deeper roots better for the soil and the overall health of the garden? Or is there a native ground cover that would be better?

A: Mondo grass is useful for filling in difficult sites, particular­ly dry, poor soil areas. I can think of no other native alternativ­e that is as low-growing, but several sedges are useful for such areas and are finely textured. Carex pensylvani­ca is one of my favorites.

Q: We need to renovate our garden, but in the meantime we have guests coming over. Do you have any ideas about how to improve our yard (in a hurry)?

A: The quick way is to mow the lawn, trim the edges, weed, put down mulch and plant some containers. But true gardens cannot be created overnight.

Q: We recently moved into a new house and have to remove several dead, leaning or otherwise dangerous trees. I would like to plant trees at other places in the yard so that we don’t run into the same problem. What kinds of trees would be nice? I’d want them to grow quickly, not drop annoying gumballs and be hardy.

A: My general advice on replacing trees is, first, you don’t have to replace a tree that is removed. Sometimes you can convert that area for shrubs, ground covers and perennials, and the effect is lighter and more interestin­g. If you replace with a tree, the choice is yours, but make sure the space is adequate for the mature size of the tree. I think the selection must be based on your tastes, your needs, and the soil and light situation. I like some of the native oaks that deserve more use, including the black, chestnut and scarlet oak.

Q: I am a veggie gardener, and in the past two years, cucumber beetles took out 20 plants. What can I do this year?

A: The key is to stay on top of them, to handpick them early before population­s build up.

Q: I read on my packet of lettuce seeds that lettuce needs full sun in the spring and can grow in partial sun when it gets hot. I have an ideal space that gets two hours of full sun in the summer. In the morning it gets shade from a fairly dense evergreen tree and in the afternoon it is shaded by my house. If I were to experiment with planting lettuce in that area, what do you think my chances would be through June? July?

A: You could try it. Thomas Jefferson sowed a thimbleful of seed every Monday morning to keep his salad plate going. Lettuce won’t germinate when the soil temperatur­es get too high (say in July). At that point you have to start them indoors and transplant them out. They’re not my first choice of greens in the summer around here. I prefer mesclun mixes and harvest them at baby stage before they bolt.

Q: Five years ago, my well-meaning mother-in-law cut my hydrangeas back severely. Since then we have not gotten more than half of the blooms we used to, and they only grow halfway up the sticks now. How do I get them back to their lush selves?

A: One way to rejuvenate a congested hydrangea is to remove up to onethird of the oldest canes. This permits the younger wood more air and light to regenerate. This might be worth trying in your case to see if you can promote more vigorous growth. If you do this now, you might lose some blooms, but it would be good for the long-term vigor and health of the shrub.

 ?? Washington Post photos by Adrian Higgins ?? Above, restoring hydrangeas that were cut back severely is possible. Below, wild violets might be nice to look at, but most would admit they look out of place in the middle of the lawn. And as a result, most fall victim to the lawnmower.
Washington Post photos by Adrian Higgins Above, restoring hydrangeas that were cut back severely is possible. Below, wild violets might be nice to look at, but most would admit they look out of place in the middle of the lawn. And as a result, most fall victim to the lawnmower.
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