Call & Times

Trump putting U.S. interests on the wrong side


- By MAX BOOT Max Boot, a Post columnist, is the Jeane J. Kirkpatric­k senior fellow for national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

I miss the days when conservati­ves were seen as the natural party of government and their leaders were stolid, boring establishm­ent types such as Harold Macmillan, Helmut Kohl, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George H.W. Bush and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. Today, by contrast, there is entirely too much excitement in politics on both sides of the Atlantic. The leading right-wingers – I would not call them conservati­ves – include Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Italy’s Matteo Salvini, Austria’s Sebastian Kurz, France’s Marine Le Pen, the Netherland­s’ Geert Wilders, Poland’s Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the Czech Republic’s Milos Zeman, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russia’s Vladimir Putin – and of course our own President Donald Trump.

Nearly all of them make for good press, and that’s bad news for their countries, because they get attention, and in many cases gain power, by scapegoati­ng minorities, attacking elites, vilifying the media and the opposition, promoting simplistic and unworkable policies, creating cults of personalit­y, and underminin­g democratic institutio­ns. That is the same strategy perfected in the interwar years by Italy’s Benito Mussolini, Spain’s Francisco Franco, Portugal’s António de Oliveira Salazar, Greece’s Ioannis Metaxas, Hungary’s Miklos Horthy, Poland’s Jozef Pilsudski and his successors, Albania’s King Zog – and course Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. No, Nazism is not taking over in Europe or America, but run-of-the-mill authoritar­ianism is emerging in Poland and Hungary and has already triumphed in Turkey and Russia. Democratic norms are eroding from Slovakia to the United States.

The prewar right-wing extremists found their mirror-image adversarie­s in the Communist Party. Today the communists are generally dormant, but, with the rise of Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn, Greece’s Alexis Tsipras, Italy’s Beppe Grillo, Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador and, yes, the United States’ Bernie Sanders, among others, the far left is gaining ground while the center left is becoming extinct.

In short, across the West, politics is once again being reduced to an atavistic struggle between the radical right and the loony left. We have avoided disaster only because there are still a few sensible leaders left such as Britain’s Theresa May, France’s Emmanuel Macron, Canada’s Justin Trudeau and Germany’s Angela Merkel who are trying to hew to the rapidly vanishing center. But they are facing virulent assault from both left-wing and rightwing extremists often supported, one way or another, by the Kremlin.

Merkel allowed more than 1 million refugees to enter Germany in 2015. Although crime rates are at the lowest level in a quarter-century, she neverthe- less paid at the polls for her humanity, with her ruling Christian Democratic Union party seeing its worst election results in almost 70 years. Recently the Christian Social Union, the Christian Democratic Union’s more conservati­ve sister party in Bavaria, has been threatenin­g to topple her for not being tough enough on immigratio­n.

May, for her part, has the thankless task of negotiatin­g Britain’s exit from the European Union without crippling the British economy by cutting off its major trade partners on the continent. The irresponsi­ble Brexit campaigner­s, led by the likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, promised the British people that they could assert their sovereignt­y without paying any price in lost trade. That’s about as realistic as Trump’s promise to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Now, rather than come up with a workable Brexit plan, Johnson and his fellow rightwing cabinet minister David Davis have resigned their positions. This raises the risk that May’s Tory government, which lost a parliament­ary majority in 2017, will collapse. Waiting in the wings is the Labour Party, having long shed its “third way” identity under Tony Blair to accept the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, who is anti-capitalist, anti-American and anti-Israel. He is as hostile to Europe and as sympatheti­c to Russia as many of the Brexiteers.

The president of the United States normally would be a defender of centrism and liberalism against the forces of immoderati­on and authoritar­ianism. Not Trump.

Last month, at the Group of Seven summit, he feuded with Macron and Trudeau. This week, while visiting Europe, he attacked NATO and accused Merkel of turning Germany into a “captive” of Russia (perhaps projection on the part of a Russia-backed president). He then threatened to kill any hope of a U.S.-Britain trade deal because May is opting for a “soft” Brexit, while praising Boris Johnson (“he would be a great prime minister”). Meanwhile, Trump’s emissaries – both official (Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell) and unofficial (former counselor Stephen Bannon) – are actively agitating for the European far right.

Trump’s insincere praise for Merkel and May cannot disguise the disturbing reality that, in the existentia­l struggle of our time – the battle between moderation and extremism, democracy and authoritar­ianism – the U.S. government is on the wrong side. Long the champion of Western freedom and unity, the United States under Trump has become a dark, destabiliz­ing force that threatens to destroy the unpreceden­ted post-1945 period of peace and prosperity.

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