Call & Times

Baldelli-Hunt gains votes in updated election count


or the WOONSOCKET Lisa 50 percent Baldelli-Hunt threshold – broke May- in Wednesday’s non-binding primary against challenger Albert G. Brien, according to the Board of Elections’ updated – though still unofficial – tally.

With 100 percent of precincts reporting, the BOE said the two-term incumbent mayor finished with a total of 1,886 votes, or 50.3 percent. Former City Council President Albert G. Brien finished with 1,568 votes, or 41.8 percent.

The two candidates are separated by a gap of 318 votes, or 8.5 percent of the total cast, heading into the general election on Nov. 6.

A third candidate on the

ballot, real estate developer Albert R. Beauparlan­t, drew 293 votes, or 7.8 percent. He withdrew from the race in July, after the deadline to have his name removed from the ballot. That means that even if he hadn’t finished last, Baldelli-Hunt and Brien would have still advanced to the general election.

A former state lawmaker, Baldelli-Hunt was disappoint­ed by Brien’s strong showing in the primary and has vowed to mount a powerful push to promote her record in the weeks leading up to the final contest in November.

Brien’s most recent public service includes two terms on the City Council, ending in 2015, but he served in the state legislatur­e for several terms in the 1980s and 1990s. He was worked previously in City Hall for two different mayors – as a finance director and a human services director.

He says he was encouraged by the results of Wednesday’s primary and intends to continue his grassroots campaign for more transparen­cy and teamwork in city government, particular­ly between the executive and legislativ­e branches.

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