Call & Times

Despite risk, many skip shot

Flu can be deadly but many still eschew vaccine

- By ROBYN CORRELL Special to The Washington Post

belts, fewer than half get the flu vaccine – the most important way for everyone older than six months to protect against serious cases of the ailment, according to the CDC.

One of the biggest reasons people give for not getting the flu vaccine is that they don’t think it’s necessary. A Rand Corp. study of unvaccinat­ed adults reported that roughly 1 in 4 of those surveyed said they didn’t get the flu shot because they didn’t think they needed it.

That was the case for Haynes. Before getting sick, she had never received a flu vaccine.

“It just wasn’t at the top of the list,” Haynes said. “‘I’m healthy. I’m young. Why would I need a flu shot? If I got the flu, I’d be able to fight it. It’s not that big of a deal.’ That was my attitude about it.”

This type of thinking, however, doesn’t take into account how deadly flu can be to healthy people, said Flor Munoz, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston.

“People who are healthy can get severe consequenc­es from influenza,” said Munoz, citing a 2018 study in the journal Pediatrics that found that half of children who die of the flu have no underlying medical conditions.

Another reason people don’t get vaccinated is because they are more concerned about the vaccine than they are of the flu itself. Kari O’Driscoll, a mother of two in Washington state, said she doesn’t get the flu shot because she and her kids are healthy, and she doesn’t think they would suffer dramatic health effects if they got sick.

“I weighed that [risk from flu] against the thought of injecting them with something every single year that may or may not afford them immunity ...and it didn’t seem worth it,” O’Driscoll wrote in an email.

Science, however, supports the safety and necessity of vaccinatio­ns.

“We are more afraid of risks when they’re human-made than when they’re natural,” said David Ropeik, a consultant in risk perception and risk communicat­ion. “[But] these are natural substances. They are. They’re made in a lab, so what? ...Water’s put in a bottle in a factory; it’s still a natural thing.”

For those concerned about safety or side effects, Munoz assures them flu vaccines are tested extensivel­y for safety and produced under “very high standards.” And for those worried that flu shots will give them the flu, they don’t, according to the CDC. They’re made of inactivate­d, or dead, virus and proteins – not live virus – making it impossible to get the flu from the shot.

In terms of effectiven­ess, Munoz concedes that the flu vaccine isn’t perfect. Last year’s flu vaccine received a lot of press over what many saw as a disappoint­ingly low effectiven­ess rate. According to estimates by the CDC, the vaccine was about 40 percent effective at preventing the flu, about the same as the season before it.

Focusing on just that one number, however, is shortsight­ed because it lumps all strains and all ages together, Munoz said. The flu vaccine protects against some flu viruses more than others, and it works better in certain groups of people.

“The ability to respond well to the vaccine and develop good immunity and be protected from it is better in healthy people because everything is working properly,” she said. But because we vaccinate a greater proportion of those in the extremes – the very old, very young and very sick – the vaccine effectiven­ess rate number that makes headlines disproport­ionately represents those groups.

A better number to focus on, according to Munoz, would be how well the vaccine protects against not just getting sick but also hospitaliz­ation and death. If a vaccinated person gets the flu, they’re less likely to have a serious case that leads to pneumonia, brain swelling, multiorgan failure or other serious complicati­ons as a result of the virus.

Influenza may also trigger a heart attack, and studies have shown that getting a flu shot can help prevent heart attacks and strokes as effectivel­y as taking blood pressure and cholestero­l medication.

That 40 percent vaccine effectiven­ess rate in 2016-2017 didn’t just avert an estimated 5.3 million cases of the flu, according to the CDC, it also prevented about 2.6 million medical visits and 84,700 hospitaliz­ations.

An estimated 80 percent of children who die of the flu are unvaccinat­ed, the CDC says, and vaccinatio­n can help reduce an infected child’s risk of dying by 65 percent. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics urged parents in early September to get their children the flu shot “as soon as it is available.”

Even with last season’s record-setting 180 deaths in children due to the flu, it’s unclear whether parents will heed the organizati­on’s advice. Less than 60 percent of children – and about only a third of adults under 50 – were vaccinated against the flu during the 20162017 season.

But this year, Haynes will be among the vaccinated. She’s 20 weeks pregnant, and her life isn’t the only one she wants to protect.

“I feel like a flu shot is an insurance,” she said. “It’s not a guarantee that you’re not going to get the flu, but I see it as it’s that one extra layer of protection. That if I do get sick, I know that I’ve done my part to put something in place to help me fight.”

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 ?? Daniel Acker/Bloomberg ?? A nurse administer­s a flu shot at Perry Memorial Hospital in Princeton, Illinois, on Oct. 12, 2017.
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg A nurse administer­s a flu shot at Perry Memorial Hospital in Princeton, Illinois, on Oct. 12, 2017.

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