Call & Times

DOCTOR GAME: Natural remedies and illogical attacks

- Dr. Gifford-Jones (AKA Ken Walker) is a graduate of The University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School. He took post-graduate training in surgery at the Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, McGill University in Montreal and Harvard. During his med

Break a law and you end up in jail. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” it’s said.

So should ignorance of medical facts excuse anyone? Time and time again so-called medical experts publish illogical reports without repercussi­on. Recently, a physician stated publicly, “There is no case for vitamin supplement­ation in normal, healthy, non-pregnant adults who are receiving the recommende­d daily intake of nutrients.” But is this medical fact or fiction?

Bill Sardi, a commentato­r on health issues, takes issue with this statement in the well-respected publicatio­n, Orthomolec­ular News Service.

The doctor offered so-called proof of his statement that serious toxicity occurred in Arctic explorers who consumed the liver of bears, which is rich in Vitamin A. This caused increased pressure in their brain, vomiting, double vision and convulsion­s.

But Sardi explains that bear’s liver contains millions of internatio­nal units (IU) of vitamin A. So obviously humans should not eat bear’s liver. The Council for Responsibl­e Nutrition adds it would take 25,000 to 50,000 IU of vitamin A supplement daily for several months to cause liver problems. So why worry patients when taking the normal dose of 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily has a long history of safety?

The same doctor wrote that vitamin D is not needed, unless there is clinical indication for it. This, in spite of the fact that an Institute of Medicine report indicates that 25 percent of North Americans are at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Office workers get limited sun exposure. And a study showed that children only receive seven hours of sunshine a week. Moreover, during winter months, due to the angle of the sun’s rays, it provides zero amount of vitamin D, even if people were to stand out naked in the noon day sun.

What borders on insanity is another statement that the daily amount of vitamin C should not exceed 45 milligrams daily. I wonder where this critic has been hiding for so many years. We know as proven fact that, eons ago, a human gene mutation stopped the human production of vitamin C. Animals, with the exception of the guinea pig, were fortunate and escaped this mutation. Dogs, for instance, manufactur­e 5,000 mg of C daily. But should a dog develop an infection, or be injured, it will manufactur­e up to 100,000 mg daily!

I find it amazing that this critic has not heard that several hundred thousand milligrams of intravenou­s vitamin C saved the life of a New Zealand farmer dying of Swine Flu virus. Moreover, it is well documented that Dr. Frederick Klenner, a U.S. family doctor, saved 60 polio patients from developing paralysis during the 1948 epidemic of this disease by prescribin­g intravenou­s C.

Today, in spite of these historical facts, it’s appalling that many physicians still do not know that polio, meningitis, encephalit­is, other viral diseases, and even the bite of a rattlesnak­e, can be cured by large intravenou­s doses of vitamin C.

What I am writing about is not science fiction. It’s a fact that a pill containing 500 mg of C is not going to protect you if faced with devastatin­g infection, severe emotional stress, or major surgery. These problems immediatel­y decrease the reservoir of vitamin C in the blood. In these situations 10,000 to 20,000 mg of oral C daily are required to restore blood levels. And since C is water soluble, and lost in the urine, this amount should be taken in three divided doses.

Sardi’s article points out that 100 million diabetics in North America have a greater need for vitamin C. So do 50 million Aspirin users and millions that still smoke, abuse alcohol, or take drugs, such as diuretics that deplete blood levels of vitamin C.

Sardi adds that hospitaliz­ed and nursing home patients all require additional vitamin C. And an often neglected point, so do growing children. Sardi concludes that out of a U.S. population of 325 million, 200 million have inadequate amounts of vitamin C and must rely on vitamin supplement­s. Medi-C Plus and other forms of high-powered C can be obtained at Health Food Stores.

Ignorance of medical facts, even by physicians, continues to be a stubborn enemy of truthful therapy. These facts must be repeated until everyone listens.


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