Call & Times

Opposites share long marriage despite leading separate lives

- Jeanne Phillips


I have been married for 30 years. Although my husband and I are both positive people, we have not had a happy marriage. He leads the life of a bachelor, including sex with other women and unilateral decision-making. He’s outgoing, generous and well-liked. I’m a homebody who often feels lonely and rejected. Outsiders would be surprised at the true nature of our relationsh­ip. We have been to counseling, but it didn’t help. Why do I stay in this marriage? What’s wrong with me? Are there others like me? –INCREDULOU­S IN INDIANA DEAR INCREDULOU­S: You wouldn’t have stayed married to your husband if you didn’t derive some benefit from it. Because counseling didn’t change the dynamic between you and your husband doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have some independen­tly. Your problem may be lack of self-esteem or fear of being alone, a problem shared by many women in dysfunctio­nal marriages. If you’re sincere about finding the answers to your questions, they await you in the office of a licensed therapist.


My older sister recently passed away after a 22-year battle with lupus. She beat the odds for so long, and even gave us the miracle that is her son. Logically, I understand that medically there was nothing left the doctors could do, but emotionall­y I feel like I killed her because I went along with the doctors. Is it normal to feel this guilt? I have nightmares every night now because I hear her last words. I see how she was both on and off life support. When I make myself eat, I overeat. But honestly, I could easily go back to never eating like I did before. Is all of this normal for the grief process? –FEELING GUILTY IN OREGON DEAR FEELING GUILTY: Yes, what you’re experienci­ng is normal – to a degree. How- ever, if the nightmares and feelings of guilt persist, discuss them with a grief counselor or a religious adviser. You alluded to having “gone along with the doctors.” If by that you mean you agreed that your sister should receive palliative care at the end, you did her a favor, not a disservice.


I dated this woman for almost a year. It ended when she gave me an ultimatum: convert to her religion or walk. She is Pentecosta­l, and I am Catholic. We are both deeply rooted to our own churches. A few months have gone by. She still has deep feelings for me, but I don’t know if I feel the same way because of her ultimatum. One of us must convert or we won’t be able to move forward. But there are big difference­s between the two religions. What should I do? –CONVERTING IN THE SOUTH DEAR CONVERTING: Because you are deeply rooted in your Catholicis­m and no longer sure you feel the same way about her, let her go so she can find a good Pentecosta­l husband. Religion is something a person must believe in, not switch to please someone else. There are plenty of fish in the sea for both of you, so keep fishing. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. For everything you need to know about wedding planning, order “How to Have a Lovely Wedding.” Send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 610540447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.)


Retired MLB All-Star Joe Pepitone is 78. Former Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., is 77. Singer Jackson Browne is 70. Actor Robert Wuhl is 67. Actress-TV personalit­y Sharon Osbourne is 66. Actor Tony Shalhoub is 65. Actor John O’Hurley is 64. Pro and College Football Hall of Famer Mike Singletary is 60. Movie director Guillermo del Toro is 54. Former British Prime Minister David Cameron is 52. Singer P.J. Harvey is 49. Movie director Steve McQueen (Film: “12 Years a Slave”) is 49. World Golf Hall of Famer Annika Sorenstam is 48. Comedian Melissa Villasenor (TV: “Saturday Night Live”) is 31.

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