Call & Times

‘Mob’ over 60 emerges as a dire threat

- By CONNIE SCHULTZ 3.” Don’t you love farce? My fault, I fear. I thought that you’d want what I want. Sorry, my dear. But where are the clowns? Quick, send in the clowns. Don’t bother. They’re here. Connie Schultz is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and

Creators Syndicate

All these years -- 61 and counting -and not once have I been associated with a mob.

Until now.

This is exhilarati­ng. “Harassing members at their homes,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told The New York Times, “crowding the halls with people acting horribly, the effort to humiliate us...”

He was referring to survivors of sexual assault and their supporters, the majority of them women, trying to appeal to Republican senators’ better angels, who flew the coop some time ago.

Brett Kavanaugh, the raging partisan nominee for the Supreme Court, was confirmed. Republican senators, McConnell proudly declared, “stood up to the mob.”


It’s the new GOP meme for men who have no idea what a meme is.

“They have encouraged mob rule,” Sen. Chuck Grassley said on the Senate floor.

“Americans outside the Beltway don’t take kindly to ... a paid mob trying to prevent senators from doing the will of their constituen­ts,” Sen. Orrin Hatch said. There is no evidence that any protesters were paid, but he said it anyway because he liked the lie.

Speaking of Donald Trump, he showed up at a rally in Kansas and brayed, “In their quest for power, the radical Democrats have turned into an angry mob. You saw that today with the screaming and the shouting.”

Screaming and shouting – where have we heard that before?

Iowa, that’s where.

At that rally, Trump delighted in the crowd’s screaming and shouting, “Lock her up!” This time, they were referring clown character. For those of you unfamiliar with Weary Willie, he is a sad clown. Morbidly sad. All he ever does is frown.

Now, imagine you are a child sharing a bedroom with woeful Weary Willie.

“He was in the dark, Con,” Jackie told me in her ghost-story voice. “Next to my bed. I was

“Jack!” I shouted. “Weary Willie is the reason you fear clowns!”

Quite the epiphany. Thank you, Mitch McConnell. We can’t wait to tell her wife.

“You should be a therapist,” Jackie said.

Mobster. Clown crisis counselor. I can barely keep up with these new career opportunit­ies.

Jackie and I ended our conversati­on by belting out our now-favorite verse of Judy Collins’ “Send in the Clowns”:

Never mind this mob of survivors of sexual assault and their supporters, McConnell said. “These things always blow over.”

OK, Dorothy. Keep pretending you don’t hear these high winds howling around you.

Just make sure you don’t look to your left.

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