Call & Times

Prison literacy now carries a higher pricetag

- By JODI LINCOLN Special To The Washington Post Lincoln is co-chair of Book ‘Em, a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit organizati­on that sends free reading material to incarcerat­ed people and prison libraries.

Every year, thousands of people in Pennsylvan­ia prisons write directly to nonprofit organizati­ons such as the one I co-chair with a request for reading material, which we then send to them at no cost. This free access to books has dramatical­ly improved the lives of incarcerat­ed individual­s, offering immense emotional and mental relief as well as a key source of rehabilita­tion.

But as of last month, the Pennsylvan­ia Department of Correction­s (DOC) has decided to make such rehabilita­tion much harder. Going forward, books and publicatio­ns, including legal primers and prison newsletter­s, cannot be sent directly to incarcerat­ed Pennsylvan­ians. Instead, if they want access to a book, they must first come up with $147 to purchase a tablet and then pay a private company for electronic versions of their reading material – but only if it’s available among the 8,500 titles offered to them through this new e-book system.

In case you forgot: Incarcerat­ed people are paid less than $1 per hour, and the criminal-justice system disproport­ionately locks up low-income individual­s. Adding insult to injury, most of the e-books available to them for purchase would be available free from Project Gutenberg. And nonpublic domain books in Pennsylvan­ia’s e-book system are more expensive than on other e-book markets.

This policy, part of a larger trend of censorship in state prisons around the country, should alarm everyone. Not only does it erect a huge financial barrier to books and severely restrict content, it also dehumanize­s people in prison.

The changes in Pennsylvan­ia follow an unpreceden­ted lockdown in the state’s correction­al facilities during last month’s national prison strike. The Pennsylvan­ia DOC argues that these new policies are necessary to prevent contraband drugs, especially synthetic cannabinoi­ds such as K2 from entering prisons after a string of incidents in August involving staff reportedly being exposed to contraband substances.

But this argument doesn’t hold up. Based on the DOC’s incident report, out of the 60 staff members exposed to unknown substances, only six tested positive for drugs. The DOC has also published examples of contraband drugs they have intercepte­d, none of which came from free book organizati­ons. It is, of course, important to protect staff and inmates from exposure to drugs, but the DOC is purposeful­ly exaggerati­ng the risk to push their draconian policies. The DOC should instead focus on real security risks and addiction treatment, not further collective punishment.

In addition to the financial barriers, this policy also severely damages an incarcerat­ed person’s ability to fully reenter society. Not only do organizati­ons such as mine provide education material such as GED and SAT study books, textbooks, nonfiction books and business and trade books, but many organizati­ons also send individual­ized work- books designed for self-improvemen­t or focused on the needs of minority population­s such as LGBTQ inmates. The list of available e-books is missing some of the most requested books, including dictionari­es, textbooks, graphic novels and books focused on incarcerat­ion issues such as “The New Jim Crow” and “Illegal to Legal.”

By using their time in prison to prepare for reentry into society, incarcerat­ed people have a greater chance at living a productive life and their time in prison is enhanced through reading as a form of self-improvemen­t. Books-toprison organizati­ons also offer inmates connection­s with the outside world, as people request books over and over again, often sending personal updates, drawings and sharing their stories. These connection­s cannot be replicated by e-books or ordering a specific book through the DOC.

Perhaps more alarming is that the head of the Pennsylvan­ia DOC, Secretary John Wetzel, is president of the Associatio­n of State Correction­al Administra­tors. If Pennsylvan­ia’s policies remain in place, other states are sure to follow suit. Increasing literacy and education should be an essential part of the correction­al apparatus, but by imposing financial barriers to accessing books and restrictin­g content, Pennsylvan­ia is failing to serve the greater good.

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