Call & Times

God has called you for more


Have you ever asked yourself, “What have I done with my life?” Perhaps, the many challenges you have faced have left you questionin­g, “What’s my purpose?”

Published in 2003, Mitch Albom’s book: ‘The Five People

You Meet in Heaven’ became a national bestseller. And, in an interview, I heard Albom discuss the inspiratio­n behind the beautifull­y crafted novel. Simply told, sentimenta­l and profoundly true, Albom states, “The book reminds us of what really matters.”

Sometimes, you could think you are a nobody and your life is meaningles­s. You might be defeated with the dull routine of work, feeling sad and lonely. Or, possibly, you’re full of regrets from the past.

“Everything I touch seems to turns bad,” you could say to yourself. And after all too many setbacks or failures, you might wonder, “What’s wrong with me?” or “What have I done wrong?”

But as the novel reveals, even the simple and mundane things we do have purpose and meaning. Regardless of where you are right now, your life, your positive actions, and unexpected connection­s can make a difference to a host of others whom you may never even know in life.

This reminds me of a letter I recently received from a dear reader, “Catherine, you will probably only know in eternity the ministry your weekly words have provided to me over the many years I have read them,” she wrote.

Her letter continued, “It was before the birth of your first little daughter and when my sons were young that

I first started reading your column. Now, I have three grandchild­ren. God is so good. And as I look back over the trials and survivals over the last 11 years of my life especially, I can reflect upon His marvelous faithfulne­ss to overcome every attack of the enemy upon my life. Your precious words are a continual reminder of that and I am grateful.”

God works in mysterious ways. You never know why and where God’s hand will lead you. After school one day, my youngest daughter had her friend over our house. They were in the kitchen making edible chocolate chip cookie dough, and I was working in my home office. The girls were talking and I overheard my daughter’s friend say, “Never judge a book by its cover.” Similarly, God has a great plan for you and just because you don’t know all the details now, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a divine plan.

So don’t go through your days believing, ‘you’re a nothing’ or ‘you’ve made too many mistakes’ to succeed now. You’re worthy and valuable. There is no one else exactly like you. God had an individual need to fulfill when your name came to mind. He carefully chose your special talents and gifts. Great care was taken to mix your right set of skills, inner resources, and abilities. God sees you as His masterpiec­e and His beloved child. I’m reminded how my middle daughter always glances at clothing labels to see where the items are manufactur­ed. Before school, she looked inside her jacket and questioned, “Mom, guess where this was produced?” Promptly, I exclaimed, “The USA!” My daughter replied, “You’re right, mom.” The label that God has for you says, “Fearfully and wonderfull­y made.” (Psalm 139:14)

Get a new perspectiv­e of yourself and how God sees you. He loves you and approves of you just the way you are. Take heart; God is using your current circumstan­ces to prepare you for a great calling. He is faithfully leading you, and you will be strengthen­ed as you go forward. So, thank God, pray for His perfect will, and step out in faith knowing that He will be there, right by your side.

Some time ago, a past business associate of mine found herself out of work because her long-term job was eliminated. Instead of being bitter and thinking her career was over, she prayed for strength. She viewed this setback as an opportunit­y for tremendous growth.

Then, she asked herself, “What do I really want to do with my future?” In her heart, God gave her the answer.

She described that when she was a teen, she loved animals and wanted to work with them. Yet, someone told her to forget that profession for it wouldn’t provide any security. So, she didn’t pursue her dream, and she got an office job.

Now, this woman had another chance. It wasn’t too late. In a low voice, she explained, “It is through our lowest points in life, where we gain the wisdom and allow for new-found strength to emerge.”

With faith in God and confidence in herself, she decided to follow her long-forgotten dream. Immediatel­y, she started to implement a plan, and in her mind’s eye, she saw herself succeeding. Today, she runs an animal shelter that provides cats and dogs for adoption, giving forever homes to these precious animals. Her work is fulfilling, she is a blessing to others, and she is thoroughly enjoying her life.

God has called you for more. Comparable to a caterpilla­r, when all of its forming and changing is complete, its metamorphi­sm has transforme­d it into a magnificen­t butterfly. Its former skin has shed, and the butterfly goes forth to a new future.

God placed you where you are to live an extraordin­ary life. Choose every day to not allow self-doubt, fears, or a past disappoint­ment to keep you from God’s best plan for you. It’s not too late for you to be victorious. So release the gifts that God has placed within you, and “make the most of every opportunit­y…” (Ephesians 5:16). Keep trying and continue to “use whatever gifts you have received to serve others…” (1 Peter 4:10) and “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16).

Your life matters.

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers across the country for over 15 years. In addition, Catherine is featured on television and radio where she inspires viewers and listeners by offering inspiratio­nal commentary, home decorating and entertaini­ng ideas, plus DIY segments. She is the bestsellin­g author of three books: A New You, God Will Do the Rest, and The Open Window. As a designer, her gift lines have been featured on QVC and she is a former Miss Connecticu­t USA.

Paul Newman once said, “If you have a pulse, you have a purpose.”

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