Call & Times

Celebrate the season!

- CATHERINE GALASSO-VIGORITO Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers across the country for over 15 years.

“What are your three favorite holidays, Mom?” asked my then 5-year-old daughter, as we were bundled up in a quilt, nestled together by a warm fire that was blazing in our fireplace. The snow was gently falling outside, the sun had just about set in the velvet sky, and the clock was ticking toward dinnertime.

Before I could answer, with a dazzling smile my curly-haired child offered, “My favorite holiday is


There was a hush for a few moments as my daughter held my gaze, looking at me in wonder. And with mist in my eyes, I reflected on how thankful I was for this delightful, inquisitiv­e child. “The years have flown by,” I suddenly thought to myself, as my attention turned to the bright flames in the fireplace. “And although we may want to, we can’t stop the years’ swift flight.”

I hugged my precious girl and I kissed her forehead, whispering in her ear, “One of my favorite holidays is the day you were born.”

My sweet little one adjusted the patchwork quilt around her pajama-clad shoulder, crinkled up her tiny nose, and with her voice light and clear, she stated, “Well, Mom, my birthday is not a holiday.”

With a reassuring chuckle, I said, “Sure it is, honey.” A little puzzled, she questioned, “Mom, what do you mean?”

I nodded my head and confirmed, “The day you were born we were given a gift from God. I love you and your birth is a reason for us to be happy, thankful and… to celebrate!” At that, my daughter’s eyes grew wide with awe, “Wow!” she exclaimed, “The day I was born is one of my favorite holidays then, too!”

You, too, are someone special. You’re worthy, one-of-a-kind, and a gift from God… and like my daughter, someone to be celebrated!

Live with love, joy and positive expectatio­n. Walk tall and carry yourself with dignity and strength. Life may have pressed you down, people might have hurt you, but don’t allow what happened in the past to hinder your dreams for the future. Make a commitment to respect and to take care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat healthful foods, exercise regularly, and partake in creative outlets. You have many unique capabiliti­es and talents. Thus, believe in and accept yourself as the masterpiec­e that God created you to be. For who you are is perfectly good enough to make a difference in the world.

“But,” you might say, “How can I make a difference. I am just one person.”

You may be only one person. Yet one voice, one listening ear, one helping hand, one act of kindness, can completely change the course of events in someone’s life for the better. I like the story of the young boy who was walking along the seashore one afternoon at low tide. The boy saw hundreds of starfish that the water had carried in, yet left scattered behind on the coastline. So the young boy bent down and picked up a golden brown starfish from the sandy beach, and one after the other, he threw them back into the ocean.

A man came jogging along, saw the boy, and asked, “What are you doing?” But the young boy kept throwing starfish, one by one, back into the sky-blue waters. After some time, the man jogged by again and said to him mockingly, “Youngster, there are hundreds of starfish here at the beach… you can’t possibly make a difference.”

Undaunted, the boy continued on. He picked up another little tan starfish, gently tossed it into the water, and replied, “Sir, I made a difference for that one.”

You can make a difference. So, where should we begin? Let’s start in our own home. I read somewhere when Mother Teresa received her Nobel Prize, she was asked, “What can we do to promote world peace?” Mother Teresa replied, “Go home and love your family.” Embrace your loved ones. Always look for the good. Speak kindly, lovingly. Bring out the best in them with positive reinforcem­ent. Never underestim­ate the power of your actions. Show by example the values of perseveran­ce, love, kindness and faith.

Celebrate the season by giving the gift of yourself. You possess everything you need to be a blessing to others. You can volunteer, mentor a child, or help a friend or neighbor in need. Offer a listening ear. Write notes of appreciati­on.

God puts us in each other’s lives to impact one another in some way. Just pick up the phone and offer a word of encouragem­ent. Tell someone, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ ‘I believe in you,’ or ‘Your life matters.’ Say a silent, “I love you” to those you meet along the way. The force of love can work miracles and can change the pattern of a precious life. Whisper prayers for others; they are the instrument­s to bring miraculous things to pass.

On Christmas, we celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus. When that precious baby was born in Bethlehem, inexhausti­ble streams of blessings were unleashed. For this one life, one listening ear, and one helping hand brought to us the unparallel­ed gifts of everlastin­g hope, unconditio­nal love and eternal life to all who believe.

Warmed by the glow of the fire, I tell my daughter, “Jesus loves you…” “There’s only one of you,” and “There is a great purpose for you to fulfill.”

Our greatest gift is to love one another, to create peace wherever we go, and to do it with grace for the love of God our Father. He wants you to have a long, fruitful and joyful life.

No matter what turns your life has taken, today and every day, God’s arms are opened wide to receive you. He is with you and His love endures forever.

May the Lord bless you and keep you in His divine presence. You are loved. God has a great plan for you. From my family to yours, have a blessed Christmas.

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