Call & Times

Accept what is; let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.


“An anxious heart weighs a man down.” (Proverbs 12:25).

Once, a friend of mine told me a fictional story about a patient who went to a plastic surgeon complainin­g about his lower lip. After examining his lip, the surgeon couldn’t find anything wrong with it for which to fix.

“It’s not my idea, doctor,” he confessed. The patient pursed his lips.

“But my girlfriend’s,” he said, sadly.

He rolled his eyes, huddled over and with a deep breath, explained to the doctor, “My girlfriend told me that she didn’t want to be seen with me in public because of my lower lip.” His mind seemed to be clicking away. With feelings of shame, the patient believed what his girlfriend said about him. Yet, he was a good man. He was communicat­ive, honest and fun-loving. And he treated his girlfriend with respect.

But the girlfriend focused on a minor flaw. For sometimes, we can be so prone to thinking about a small problem that we forget our many blessings.

So, although there was nothing wrong with his lip, he insisted on an operation.

A few weeks later, under local anesthesia, the simple operation was performed. There was no visible scar, because all the surgery was done inside the lip. Afterwards, although the patient did not look much different, his whole attitude changed. Overjoyed, the patient was extremely thankful to the doctor and left the office full of confidence.

However, the next month the patient was back at the doctor’s office. He was noticeably weak and discourage­d. “I’m sick,” the patient whispered to the doctor. “There’s something wrong with my lip.” His voice was barely audible.

According to the patient, after the surgery his girlfriend found out how much the procedure cost, she was enraged. She told him there was still a problem with his lip. Next, she broke up with him and abruptly left his apartment. Deeply troubled, the man then isolated himself. In his loneliness, continuing to relive the heartache. He began to build negative stories in his mind until they spun out of control.

With compassion, the doctor listened to his plight. Then, he leaned toward his patient and said, “I know what it’s like to lose someone. But your life is not over.” Those comforting words got the patient’s attention. Gently, the doctor examined him and assured that there was nothing wrong with his lip, and he would be just fine.

To the patient’s surprise, the doctor reached for a frame that was on his desk and handed it to the patient. Rather than a picture, there was a quote within it that read: “Accept what is; let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.”

The patient’s eyes lit up. Reading those encouragin­g words helped to change his attitude.

“It’s time to move forward into your bright future,” the doctor suggested. Suddenly, the

man stood up tall. And a smile spread over his face. The patient thanked the doctor. And assuredly, he let go of the hurts from the past and strolled out of the office a seemingly new man.

Often when we lose hope and think it’s the end, God says, “My dear child, relax. It’s just a bend in the road; it’s not the end.”

A year passed, and the doctor received a notecard from his former patient. Enclosed was a picture of a handsome man with a lovely girl beside him. The happy couple was just married.

What do you need to let go of today? Whatever happened yesterday does not belong in your future. Continuing to relive a painful experience will poison your heart and you’ll never see what the present has to offer. Everyone encounters adversitie­s. And, in desperate times, it can be easy to stay focused on troubles and then fall into a sinkhole of despair.

Let me encourage you to find the strength to rise up again. Don’t talk yourself into being defeated until you just walk away in fear and give up. There are no hopeless situations. Try this: Take a more objective look at the thoughts that contribute to your feelings of distress. Write them down on a sheet of paper. Are your thoughts supported by facts? Then, ask yourself whether your thoughts are helpful or unhelpful.

Your circumstan­ces are not as impossible as they appear to be. They’re temporary and subject to change. So, lift your eyes to the heavens and see your challenges in a different light.

• See further than what’s in front of you. • Think beyond where you are now.

• Look ahead to new blessings that will soon come into your life.

It is time to move on. Arise. God has so much more in store for you.

While listening to the radio in my car, I heard a song that was popular years ago, titled: “Close to You.” As you go through life, remember that God is ‘close to you.’ God promised to watch over and protect you. Scripture says, “He is your vindicator” (Psalm 4:2), and “He will lead you to triumph.” (2 Corinthian­s 2:4). Thus, open your heart and mind to the new possibilit­ies ahead for, “God will restore the years that the locust has eaten.” (Joel 2:25).

There’s something great in front of you. For the blessings you desire the most are right within your grasp. Hold fast to your hopes and dreams with an optimist perspectiv­e. And God will use the challenges you’ve faced as stepping stones to take you higher, further, and faster.

Trust Him. God will guide you along the best path for your life.

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers across the country for over 15 years. In addition, Catherine is featured on television and radio where she inspires viewers and listeners by offering inspiratio­nal commentary, home decorating and entertaini­ng ideas, plus DIY segments. She is the bestsellin­g author of three books: A New You, God Will Do the Rest, and The Open Window. As a designer, her gift lines have been featured on QVC and she is a former Miss Connecticu­t USA.


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