Call & Times

Today is filled with new possibilit­ies for you.


A while ago, our neighbors went on a trip to Italy. With awesome architectu­re, irresistib­le food, and unparallel­ed art, their trip was packed with possibilit­ies. When they told me about their travels to Rome, Florence and Venice, I remembered a story I once heard that had a meaningful message.

In the historic city of Florence, the enchanting Italian region of Tuscany, there lived an up-andcoming artist. Inspired by the city’s exceptiona­l culture and rich heritage, the artist created an ornate marble statue of an angel.

When the artist was close to completion, it was purported that he asked Michelange­lo to visit his artisan shop and assess his work. Michelange­lo, who infused his art with heart and soul, agreed.

A short time later, he visited the artist’s workspace and thoroughly studied the design. Keeping his eyes on Michelange­lo, color glowed in the young artist’s face as he waited anxiously for the great master’s thoughts.

Although the young artist’s sculpting methods were unique and charming, and he did incorporat­e key elements into his statue, there was something missing. Moments of silence passed.

At last, Michelange­lo spoke. “It lacks only one thing,” he said softly. The young sculptor frowned. Rubbing his chin, it seemed as though his dream had ended.

Thereafter, Michelange­lo said his good-byes and left.

After Michelange­lo was gone, the artist couldn’t help but thinking about the remark. “I don’t believe it,” the artist murmured to himself sourly. Sort of puzzled and half-resentful, he stayed indoors nearly all week. Feeling bleak and unmotivate­d, the young artist told a dear friend what had transpired.

Wanting to help the young artist regain his creativity, and secretly curious, the friend decided to speak to Michelange­lo himself. So one morning, he visited his art studio. He pushed open the studio door and entered. Face to face with Michelange­lo, the friend asked in a strong voice, “What did the young artist’s angel statue lack?”

Michelange­lo didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Then, he began speaking.

Tenderly, he replied, “It lacks only… life.”

Do you need some newness in your life today? Has something occurred that has caused you to live below your possibilit­ies? Are you waiting for situations to change?

Maybe you’ve been trying to achieve a goal and you’re faced with formidable odds. Perhaps, one challenge has been followed by another. Or you’ve been betrayed or pushed down to the point where you are not expecting anything good to happen anymore. Feeling defeated, you could have accepted mediocrity.

Too often over time, it can be easy to get stuck in life. Then, your enthusiasm and passion may vanish, until you’re just going through tedious day to day motions and really not enjoying life any longer. But wait; don’t lose the joy in your heart and count yourself out because something adverse might have transpired in the past. God’s gracious plan for your life far exceeds a temporary, challengin­g situation.

If you are in despair or continuall­y focused on past mistakes, disappoint­ments or limitation­s, that won’t promote growth or victory over challenges. It is joy that has the power to produce meaningful, successful and fruit-bearing years.

“…The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10).

Therefore, today, take your life back. Press past fears and everything that is holding you back. Put your future in God’s Hands. And with joyful expectatio­n, move ahead in faith. God is kind and merciful, and He has another success in front of you. There’s an abundance of blessings to come for He is getting ready to take you where you’ve never been before.

Recently, I saw a nearly 80-yearold gentleman sing on a national television talent show. His vocal performanc­e was extraordin­ary and, in awe, the judges asked him, “Why did you decide to begin a singing career now?” The gentleman explained that he spent 50 years in the restaurant business, but he always wanted to sing profession­ally.

“When I was younger, I stuttered a lot,” he told. “And because of my limitation­s, I didn’t have the confidence to pursue my dreams.” However, the gentleman enthusiast­ically moved beyond his boundaries. He took his dreams off of the shelf and recaptured them. Letting go of every excuse, he declared with a happy grin, “It is never too late.”

Like this gentleman, you haven’t yet reached your highest potential. So set a new goal; dream a new dream. Use what you have earnestly, and great things will result. God sees your good efforts, talents and capabiliti­es. You have so much more life to live. And still have a long, productive future to enjoy and countless ways to share your exceptiona­l gifts with others.

Daily, fill your mind with cheerful thoughts. Think upon only the things you want to see reflected in your life. Smile, laugh often, and speak forth hopeful, positive words about yourself and others. Choose to see the good in situations. Surround yourself with people whose inner qualities you admire. Do good deeds. Count your blessings. And be grateful. For a grateful heart is a joy-filled heart. “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessaloni­ans 5:16-18).

Thank God for what you have and rejoice in His love and faithfulne­ss. Joy is being aware of God’s great love for you.

Missionary, George Muller once said that, “The first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day is to have my soul happy with the Lord.” So trust and have faith in God. For right now, His power is being set into motion to act mightily on your behalf. In God’s way and in His time, whatever is happening now will be turned to good. God is getting ready to open new doors so you can accomplish more. He is going to bring amazing people across your path that will help you. Your needs will be met. You’ll overcome the odds. And opportunit­ies will soon present themselves to you in surprising new ways.

The illustriou­s artist Michelange­lo always boldly pressed the limits of the possible, and so can you. Hence, wake up every morning and be excited about the day. Today is filled with new possibilit­ies. Live life encouraged. So get your joy and enthusiasm going strong, because ‘with God all things are possible.’ (Mark 10:27).

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers across the country for over 15 years. In addition, Catherine is featured on television and radio where she inspires viewers and listeners by offering inspiratio­nal commentary, home decorating and entertaini­ng ideas, plus DIY segments. She is the bestsellin­g author of three books: A New You, God Will Do the Rest, and The Open Window. As a designer, her gift lines have been featured on QVC and she is a former Miss Connecticu­t USA.


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