Call & Times

Court rules against warrantles­s searches of phones


BOSTON — A federal court in Boston has ruled that warrantles­s U.S. government searches of the phones and laptops of internatio­nal travelers at airports and other U.S. ports of entry violate the Fourth Amendment.

Tuesday’s ruling in U.S. District Court came in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation on behalf of 11 travelers whose smartphone­s and laptops were searched without individual­ized suspicion at U.S. ports of entry.

ACLU attorney Esha Bhandari said the ruling strengthen­s the Fourth Amendment protection­s of internatio­nal travelers who enter the United States every year.

The ACLU describes the searches as “fishing expedition­s.” They say border officers must now demonstrat­e individual­ized suspicion of contraband before they can search a traveler’s electronic device.

The government has vigorously defended the searches as a critical tool to protect America.

The number of electronic device searches at U.S. ports of entry has increased significan­tly, the ACLU said. Last year, the government conducted more than 33,000 searches, almost four times the number from just three years prior.

Documents filed as part of the lawsuit claim the scope of the warrantles­s

R L H RP S H searches has expanded to assist in enforcemen­t of tax, bankruptcy, environmen­tal and consumer protection laws, gathering intelligen­ce and advancing criminal investigat­ions.

The court documents also said agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t consider requests from other government agencies in determinin­g whether to search travelers’ electronic devices. They added that agents are searching the electronic devices of not only targeted individual­s but their associates, friends and relatives.

Requests for comment from Customs and Border Protection, Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t and

the Department of omeland Security were not immediatel­y returned Tuesday.

Jessie Rossman, a staff attorney at ACLU’s Massachuse­tts chapter, said the ruling is a victory for constituti­onal protection­s against unreasonab­le searches and sei]ures.

“The court said today that suspicionl­ess searches at the border of cell phones and laptops violate the Fourth Amendment,” Rossman said.

Rossman said two of the plaintiffs — Ghassan and Nadia Alasaad — were stopped as they tried to re-enter the

U.S. after a visit to Canada. Both are U.S. citi]ens and live in Massachuse­tts.

Rossman said Nadia Alasaad felt uncomforta­ble handing over passwords because she wears a head covering as part of her religious beliefs.

She asked that a female officer review her phone because it contained photos of her and her daughters without their headscarve­s. Alasaad said she was told that would take a few more hours.

The couple, who had already been delayed several hours, ultimately decided to

leave their phones — which they did not have returned to them for 1 days, according to Rossman.

Ten of the plaintiffs in the case were U.S. citi]ens. One was a permanent legal resident.

When the suit was filed in 201 , Department of omeland Security officials said U.S. citi]ens and everyone else are subject to examinatio­n and search by customs officials, unless exempted by diplomatic status.

Searches, some random, have uncovered evidence of human traffickin­g, terrorism, child pornograph­y, visa fraud, export control breaches and intellectu­al property rights violations, according to the department.

Rossman said the court acknowledg­ed that the sheer volume of digital informatio­n accessible on a phone or laptop is vastly different than more traditiona­l searches of briefcases or backpacks.

“It’s the difference between a ride on a horse and a flight to the moon,” Rossman said.

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