Call & Times

Think your pastor preaches too long? Survey shows dramatic difference­s in sermons.


One of America’s most famous sermons, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” probably took Jonathan Edwards close to an hour to deliver in 1741. Today, most white Protestant pastors wouldn’t dare keep people in the pews that long.

In a new report released Monday, the Pew Research Center analyzed nearly 50,000 sermons posted online by 6,431 churches this year to find out how long Christian clergy preach and the words they use that distinguis­h them from one another.

Pew analyzed audio, video and word count of sermons to estimate the length of sermons in different denominati­ons. The average length of a sermon, researcher­s found, is 37 minutes, but there are “striking difference­s” across traditions:

• 14 minutes for Catholics

• 25 minutes for mainline Protestant­s

• 39 minutes for evangelica­ls

• 54 minutes for historical­ly black Protestant­s

Several pastors face pressure to keep trimming the length of sermons to fit people’s minimal attention spans, said the Rev. Tim Keller, the longtime evangelica­l pastor of Redeemer Presbyteri­an Church in New York City.

“I don’t think most evangelica­l pastors are good enough for a 39-minute sermon,” Keller said. “That needs to shorten.”

Keller said when he started preaching 40 years ago, regular church attendance meant someone was in the pew three out of four Sundays. That number has dropped; now, a regular churchgoer appears maybe 1.75 out of four Sundays. He wonders whether that’s because many are listening to sermons via podcast or online streaming as a fallback to showing up for a service.

“If I preach a good sermon, if you’re in the midst of other people, you’re going to remember it more and be shaped by it than if you pick up in a podcast somewhere,” he said. “If it’s totally supplement­al, then it’s fine. If, on the other hand, if it undermines the times you’re in Christian community, it’s disastrous.”

In a sermon heard around the world last year, the Rev. Michael Curry, who is the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, delivered a message at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan in about 13 minutes. In that message, he said, he focused on love because it was a universal theme.

“I was very aware in the sermon I was preaching that I couldn’t default to Christian vocabulary,” he said. He said he learned to preach to a broad range of people when he was a minister in southern Ohio, preaching to someone who did domestic work and another person with a doctorate.

Curry said he prepares his sermons throughout the week by tapping notes on his iPhone, usually telling a story with one takeaway instead of several.

“A pitfall is to explain a story too much,” Curry said. “If you start explaining a story, you’re messing it up. Your job is to paint the picture, tell the story.”

Historical­ly black Protestant churches have been at the center of many black Americans’ lives, but more black pastors are trimming their services to adapt to people’s attention spans, said Suzan Johnson Cook, who has served as a pastor for the past 30 years.

“One day a week for one hour a week, we deposit not just scripture but history and the applicatio­n,” said Cook, who was the ambassador for internatio­nal religious freedom under President Barack Obama. “You have a lot to cover, including social issues.”

The homily is a much-disputed topic in Catholic parishes, and African American parishes often include longer homilies. Many priests believe that the homily, which often includes insight, theologica­l reflection and practical challenges, shouldn’t distract from the Eucharist.

The Rev. John Baldovin, a Jesuit priest who is a professor of liturgy and the sacraments at Boston College, estimates that the average Catholic priest spends two hours preparing for a sermon, devoting the rest of the week to managing the parish or other ministry needs, such as visiting people in the hospital.

“I won’t preach more than 10 minutes on a Sunday,” said Baldovin.

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