Call & Times

The new evidence on Ukraine


This appeared in Saturday’s Washington Post.

New evidence in the Ukraine affair has revealed several important new facts. One is that President Donald Trump’s firing of U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc­h last spring was part of an explicit trade-off with a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor who promised dirt on Joe Biden. Another is that Trump’s demand that Ukraine’s president announce an investigat­ion of Biden, along with the threat of retaliatio­n if he did not, was communicat­ed to the Ukrainians months earlier than previously known.

The new evidence significan­tly bolsters the case that Trump abused his office. It also underlines how much more there is still to learn about the dealings he and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, undertook in Kyiv, even as the president’s trial on impeachmen­t charges is set to begin in the Senate on Tuesday.

Much of the new evidence comes from Lev Parnas, a former collaborat­or with Giuliani and donor to Trump who turned against them after his indictment on federal campaign finance charges.

The White House dismisses Parnas as a man with a motive to lie, and it’s true that some of his allegation­s need verificati­on. But the Soviet emigre businessma­n also gave House investigat­ors texts, emails, calendars and other documents that appear to substantia­te key charges.

Texts between Parnas and Yuri Lutsenko, a former Ukrainian prosecutor, make clear that Lutsenko made allegation­s about Biden in the expectatio­n that he would be rewarded with the firing of Yovanovitc­h, who had accused him of blocking corruption investigat­ions. “If you don’t make a decision about Madam – you are bringing into question all my allegation­s. Including about B,” one Lutsenko text to Parnas read. He got his wish: “He fired her again,” read a text from Giuliani to Parnas in April, shortly before Yovanovitc­h was recalled on Trump’s orders.

Parnas told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that he also played a key role in conveying Trump’s demand for an investigat­ion of Biden to Volodymyr Zelensky, who became Ukraine’s president last May. Giuliani had sent Zelensky a letter asking for a meeting but called off the trip after it was publicized. Parnas said he was then dispatched by Giuliani in early May to deliver a tough message to an aide to Zelensky: Unless he announced a Biden investigat­ion, relations would sour, starting with the cancellati­on of Vice President Mike Pence’s attendance at Zelensky’s inaugurati­on.

Parnas has produced a note he made on hotel stationery – “get Zalensky [sic] to Annouce [sic] that the Biden case will be Investigat­ed” – and his story is also backed by testimony during the House impeachmen­t inquiry, according to which Trump told Pence to cancel his trip to Ukraine the day after Parnas said he told Giuliani that the Ukrainians were not responsive.

Parnas insists Trump knew all about his activities in Ukraine, as did Pence, Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He didn’t offer proof. But given the evidence he did deliver, the need for the Senate to conduct a thorough trial, with testimony from witnesses in a position to confirm or deny the allegation­s, has become ever more urgent.

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