Call & Times

US, Taliban sign deal aimed at ending war in Afghanista­n


DOHA, Qatar — Acknowledg­ing a military stalemate after nearly two decades of conflict, the United States on Saturday signed a peace agreement with the Taliban that is aimed at ending America’s longest war and bringing U.S. troops home from Afghanista­n more than 18 years after they invaded in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The historic deal, signed by chief negotiator­s from the two sides and witnessed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, could see the withdrawal of all American and allied forces in the next 14 months and allow President Donald Trump to keep a key campaign pledge to extract the U.S. from “endless wars.” But it could also easily unravel, particular­ly if the Taliban fail to meet their commitment­s.

At the White House, Trump told reporters the U.S. deserves credit for having helped Afghanista­n take a step toward peace. He spoke cautiously of the deal’s prospects for success and cautioned the Taliban against violating their commitment­s.

“We think we’ll be successful in the end,” he said, referring to all-Afghan peace talks and a final U.S. exit. He said he will be “meeting personally with Taliban leaders in the nottoo-distant future,” and described the group as “tired of war.”

He did not say where or why he plans to meet with Taliban leaders. He said he thinks they are serious cult, the deal represente­d “the best opportunit­y for peace in a generation.”

At a parallel ceremony in Kabul, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani signed a joint statement committing the Afghan government to support the U.S.-Taliban deal, which is viewed skepticall­y by many war-weary Afghans, particular­ly women who fear a comeback of repression under the ultra-conservati­ve Taliban.

President George W. Bush had ordered the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanista­n in response to 9/11. Some U.S. troops currently serving there had not yet been born when al-Qaida hijackers flew two airliners into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, crashed another into the Pentagon and took down a fourth in Pennsylvan­ia, killing almost 3,000 people.

It only took a few months to topple the Taliban and send Osama bin Laden and top al-Qaida militants scrambling across the border into Pakistan, but the war dragged on for years as the U.S. tried to establish a stable, functionin­g state in one of the least developed countries in the world. The Taliban regrouped, and currently hold sway over half the country.

The United States has spent nearly $1 trillion in Afghanista­n, two-thirds of that on defense, most of it for its own soldiers but also for the Afghan Security Forces. More than 3,500 U.S. and coalition soldiers have died in Afghanista­n, more than 2,400 of them Americans.

But the conflict was also frequently ignored by U.S. politician­s and the

American public as the memory of the attacks on that crisp, sunny morning faded, despite having changed how many Americans see the world.

While Pompeo attended the ceremony in Qatar, he appeared to avoid any direct contact with the Taliban delegation. The deal was signed by U.S. peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, who then shook hands. Members of the Taliban shouted “Allahu Akhbar” or “God is greatest.” Others in attendance, including the Qatari hosts, applauded politely.

“We are committed to implementi­ng this agreement,” Baradar said in brief comments. “I call on all Afghans to honestly work for peace and gather around the table for peace negotiatio­ns.”

Some Taliban celebrated the deal as a victory. “Today is the day of victory, which has come with the help of

Allah,” said Abbas Stanikzai, one of the Taliban’s lead negotiator­s.

Meanwhile in Kabul, in a rare show of unity, Ghani sat beside his chief political rival Abdullah Abdullah at a ceremony with Esper and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenber­g that included a declaratio­n between the Afghan government and the United States intended to show U.S. support for Afghanista­n.

For Afghanista­n’s government which has been deeply criticized by its political opponents, including Abdullah, the real job ahead will be cobbling together a negotiatin­g team to sit across from the Taliban. The talks are to determine the face of a postwar Afghanista­n.

Those negotiatio­ns, to be held in Oslo, Norway, are expected to begin around March 10. The Taliban have made it clear they expect the Afghan government to release their 5,000 prisoners before the start of negotiatio­ns. Around that time, the Taliban are to release 1,000 government security forces. Until now the government has not agreed to the prisoner release which could unravel intra-Afghan negotiatio­ns before they even get started.

Esper warned the road ahead was a long one and would not be without its challenges. “This is a hopeful moment, but it is only the beginning, the road ahead will not be easy.”

Trump has repeatedly promised to get the U.S. out of wars in the Middle East, and the withdrawal of troops could boost his re-election bid in a nation weary of involvemen­t in distant conflicts.

“Today, we are realistic. We are seizing the best opportunit­y for peace in a generation. Today, we are restrained. We recognize that America shouldn’t fight in perpetuity in the graveyard of empires if we can help Afghans forge peace.” —Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

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