Call & Times

Georgia’s Abrams should be taken out of the veepstakes


*eorgia 'emocrat 6tacey Abrams became a national progressiv­e icon in after narrowly losing her gubernator­ial bid in that historical­ly conservati­ve state. Her open campaign to become former vice president Joe %iden¶s running mate, however, shows that faith in her is sorely misplaced.

Abrams has not been shy about seeking the Mob. 8nlike other rumored contenders, she comes right out and says she¶d make an e[cellent running mate. 1or is she shy about saying what she thinks she¶d bring to the ticket campaignin­g skills among minority communitie­s, a history of public service and “years in independen­t study of foreign policy.´ 6urely, %iden must be honored that someone so distinguis­hed and talented would find his campaign so attractive.

%ut look closer Abrams has never held any federal office, nor has she ever been a mayor or governor. 6he was the 'emocratic state House minority leader, but that simply means she rallied the opposition party to oppose 5epublican initiative­s. 6he simply has never had the e[perience at any substantia­l level of proposing serious initiative­s that have a chance of becoming law or implementi­ng policies.

1or is her close defeat necessaril­y a tribute to her campaignin­g skills. The campaign was the closest to a party-based election that the 8nited 6tates has had in decades. ,n state after state, voters angry with 3resident 'onald Trump voted for 'emocrats up and down the ballot, regardless of their personal background­s or positions. ,n her own state of *eorgia, the same suburban voters who backed her also backed 'emocrats for the House and state legislatur­e in nearly identical proportion­s. )ormer Te[as 5ep. %eto 2¶5ourke can attest that a close defeat in in a once-deep-red state does not necessaril­y mean you¶re ready for prime time.

%iden¶s own criteria for the vice presidency clearly rule out someone with Abrams¶s personalit­y and e[perience. He has repeatedly said that the person he chooses must be able to step into the presidency on 'ay 2ne, a clear recognitio­n that his advanced age means voters know the vice president could easily have to become president if %iden¶s health deteriorat­es. 2nly the most blinkered ideologue can say Abrams meets that measure. %iden has also said he needs to personally and philosophi­cally “simpatico´ with his 1o. . Abrams¶s pugnacious persona is miles apart from %iden¶s.

This raises serious Tuestions about her own self-awareness. That she is openly campaignin­g for the Mob, while denying the obvious in interviews, also raises Tuestions about her Mudgment. How can someone seriously think this will work or raise her stature?

At , a 6en. Abrams could easily have dreamed of moving Tuickly into a serious White House bid. %ut she¶s running around the country tilting at windmills and obliviousl­y embarrassi­ng herself.

Abrams could have become a serious 'emocratic player. ,nstead, the ideologue is milking her comet-like appearance on the national stage for all its worth until she slowly fades from view.

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