Call & Times

Gillette Stadium to serve as mass vaccinatio­n site


B2ST21 A3 — 0as sachusetts is preparing to open its first mass vaccina tion site this weeN at il lette Stadium as the state ramps up efforts to get shots into arms and help stem the spread of the coro navirus.

The site will open Thurs day by first administer ing vaccinatio­ns into staff members, ov. &harlie BaNer said Tuesday at a press conference.

Starting 0onday, the site will begin giving shots to first responders. At first the site will have the capac ity to administer up to doses a day.

BaNer said that capacity will e pand over time to up to , doses a day or more, eventually e tending to the general population.

These vaccines are safe and effective, BaNer said.

2n 0onday, the state be gan administer­ing vaccine doses to first responders — including police, firefight ers and (0Ts.

BaNer said he wanted to thanN those first responders who are stepping up to get vaccinated.

2bviously getting the vaccine protects not only you, but also your family and all the folNs you deal with and come in contact with in your community from &29I , BaNer said.

BaNer said that eligi ble vaccine recipients will be able to schedule ap pointments on the state s &29I vaccine web site.

The ne t phase of the vaccine plan will focus on congregate care facilities, BaNer said.

9accines are not e pect ed to be available to the general public until April.

The big hope on the hori on is the arrival of more vaccine, BaNer said. In the meantime every body s still got to do their part to stop the spread of the virus in the months ahead.

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