Call & Times

US shifts to speed COVID vaccine shot deliveries

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WAS IN TON The Trump administra­tion shifted gears Tuesday to speed the delivery of shots to more people. The move came as cases and deaths surged to alarming new highs.

ealth and uman Services Secretary Alex Azar announced a series of major changes to increase supply of vaccines, extend eligibilit­y to more seniors and provide more locations for people to get shots. Administra­tion officials describing the new policies conveyed a notable sense of urgency.

One change will have some teeth to it. Azar said going forward the federal government will base each state’s allocation of vaccines partly on how successful states have been in administer­ing those already provided.

“If you are not using vaccines that you have the right to, then we should be rebalancin­g to states that are using that vaccine,” Azar said at news conference.

That won’t happen overnight, not until officials try to sort out whether lags in reporting could be the reason for what appears to be subpar performanc­e. Currently, the government allocates vaccines based on state population.

Azar also said the government will stop holding back the reTuired second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech and 0oderna vaccines, practicall­y doubling supply. Both those shots reTuire two doses to achieve optimum protection.

Additional­ly, Washington is urging states to immediatel­y start vaccinatin­g other groups lower down the priority scale, including people age and older and younger people with certain health problems.

“This next phase reflects the urgency of the situation,” said Azar. “Every vaccine dose sitting in a warehouse rather than going into an arm could mean one more death that could have been avoided.”

Initially the government had been holding back second doses as a safety precaution against potential shortfalls in production. Now, officials say they are confident the needed supply will be there. And people needing a second dose will have priority.

“This is not a supply issue at this moment in time,” Vice President 0ike Pence told governors on a White ouse call. A recording was provided to The Associated Press.

Azar also gave states the green light to designate more places where people can get shots. Those locations can include tens of thousands of pharmacies, federally supported community health centers that serve low-income communitie­s, and mass vaccinatio­n sites already being set up in some states.

As of 0onday morning, the government had distribute­d about . million doses to states, U.S. territorie­s and major cities. But only about 9. million people had received their first shot, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s online tracker. That means only about of the available vaccines had been administer­ed.

Initially, the shots were going to health care workers and nursing home residents. Those and older were next in line. But problems arose even in vaccinatin­g that limited pool of people. Some hospital and nursing home workers have declined to get the vaccine. Scheduling issues created delays in getting shots to nursing homes.

Some states, including Arizona, have or are planning to open up mass vaccinatio­n centers, aiming to inoculate thousands of people a day in a single location. In )lorida, ov. Ron DeSantis opened up vaccinatio­ns to people and older. In other states, local health authoritie­s have started asking residents and older to register, in anticipati­on the vaccinatio­n campaign would be expanded.

On Tuesday, Azar said some states are being “overly prescripti­ve and trying to micromanag­e every single dose of vaccine,” leading to bottleneck­s.

Azar also criticized what he called “the hospitaliz­ation of vaccine distributi­on,” saying “we have too much vaccine sitting in freezers in hospitals.”

The Trump administra­tion directed a crash effort to develop, manufactur­e and deliver vaccines, hoping to avoid a repeat of earlier debacles with coronaviru­s testing. Dubbed “Operation Warp Speed,” it has produced two highly effective vaccines, with more on the way.

The slow pace of the vaccine rollout has frustrated many Americans at a time when the coronaviru­s death toll has continued to rise. 0ore than ,000 people in the U.S. have died, according to the -ohns opkins database.

Azar said the pace of vaccinatio­ns has picked up, on track to reach 1 million daily within a couple of weeks. But the American ospital Associatio­n estimates 1. million vaccinatio­ns a day are needed, seven days a week, to achieve widespread immunity by the middle of this year. Biden has set a goal of 100 million shots administer­ed in his first 100 days.

etting more groups in line “all of a sudden makes a lot more people potentiall­y eligible and certainly interested and we need to have the systems in place to get them the vaccine,” Casalotti added.

But administra­tion officials pressed their case urgently.

“We think right now getting the vaccine into (more) individual­s, now, could really make a huge difference in the hospitaliz­ations that you would see in your jurisdicti­ons say four to six weeks from now,” CDC Director Robert Redfield told governors on the call, adding it was his strong recommenda­tion.

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