Call & Times

+as backlash arrived for police-bashing"


:ithin hours of 6aturday’s shooting in Times 6Tuare where three bystanders, including a -year-old girl, were wounded, the two leading candidates to replace 0ayor Bill de Blasio were onsite.

Brooklyn Borough 3resident (ric $dams, a retired captain of the NY3D, and $ndrew Yang, who declared

“0y fellow New Yorkers ... Nothing works in our city without public safety, and for public safety, we need the police . ... 0y message to the NY3D is this New York needs you. Your city needs you.

“New York cannot afford to defund the police.´

The rush of $dams and Yang to the scene of the shooting, and the messages they delivered, tells us something about the state of play in politics ± ± and not only in the city of New York.

Liberal mayors and urban politician­s who enlisted in the Black Lives 0atter “defund the police´ movement after the death of *eorge )loyd in 0inneapoli­s last 0ay, appear to have caught a wave that is now receding.

In the streets of $merica’s cities, violent crimes are spiking to heights unseen since the

0s. $nd, instead of “Defund the 3olice ´ the insistent cry is, “:here are the cops"´ $tlanta is a case in point. 0ayor .eisha Lance Bottoms just announced she will not run for a second term. :hile she listed issues and events that e[hausted her energy, The New York Times suggests that $tlanta’s soaring crime rate made her vulnerable and Bottoms was looking at possible defeat.

:rites 5ichard )ausset of the Times

“The most serious political threat that emerged for 0s. Bottoms in recent months was a phenomenon she had previously described as the µ&ovid crime wave.’ ... $tlanta is struggling with a spike in violent crime, including a percent increase in homicides last year...

“The mayor’s inability to get a handle on crime has become the central theme for two challenger­s,´ one of whom is city council president )elicia 0oore.

“’$tlanta has a mayor that is more interested in things that happen outside $tlanta,’ 0s. 0oore said in a recent statement, referring to 0s. Bottoms’s emerging national stature, including talk that she was rumored to be a possible vice-presidenti­al candidate. µ:e need a mayor who knows the No. job of any mayor is to keep our city safe.’´

6o visceral is the public reaction to the crime wave in $tlanta that in Buckhead, a wealthy enclave in the northern section of the city, there is talk of secession and taking its ta[ base with it.

:hy is crime rising and not only in $tlanta"

$mong the reasons the demoni]ation and demorali]ation of police department­s under constant fire for harboring “rotten apples´ and rogue cops. 6een by cops as anti-cop, this campaign is generating police resignatio­ns, retirement­s and reductions in force.

The NY3D has lost of its force and is in a recruitmen­t crisis.

Large reductions in the number of cops have also been recorded in &hicago, 0inneapoli­s, 0ilwaukee and $tlanta. Then there is the “)erguson (ffect´ where cops avoid aggressive policing for fear a mistake could cost them their reputation and career, or worse.

In a nation as violent as ours, with daily confrontat­ions between cops and often aggressive and armed suspects, police errors are going to be made. There are going to be unwarrante­d and unnecessar­y shootings, woundings and even killings.

In any war, there are casualties and collateral damage, and that is true of $merica’s “war on crime´ ± ± another of our forever wars.

But the daily reports of escalating violent crime, resulting in growing numbers of innocent wounded and dead, are inducing a fear for safety that is outstrippi­ng any fear of cops. $nd politician­s are beginning to see the numbers shift and reacting accordingl­y.

&onsider a few of the crime numbers compiled by The +ill

2020 witnessed more than 20,000 criminal homicides with a huge share of that spike occurring in urban $merica.

New York saw 0 additional homicides and 0 additional shootings in 2020 than in 20 . &hicago saw 2 more homicides and , additional shootings in 2020 than in 20 .

Los $ngeles saw homicides rise as shootings spiked

0 . :ashington, D.&., ended 2020 with homicides up for the third straight year.

.illings in 3hiladelph­ia, where homicides have risen every year since 20 , almost reached 00, a 0 increase. In Louisville, homicides jumped 0 .

In Detroit, shootings and homicides rose for the second year in a row, increasing by


+omicides spiked for the second straight year in 0inneapoli­s, to deaths ± ± the highest tally since . &leveland had its highest murder tally since 2, after a nearly 0 jump in killings last year.

+ouston hit murders in 2020 ± ± a 2 increase over 20 . Indianapol­is saw a 0 jump in murders. )or Denver, the murder increase was 0 percent.

&ops aren’t doing these killings. They’re doing their jobs trying to prevent these killings and apprehend the killers.


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