Call & Times

Afghanista­n withdrawal a military, moral ‘fiasco’


The incompeten­t method with which the Biden administra­tion administer­ed the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanista­n is a military and moral fiasco.

On Sunday, a panicked evacuation of U.S. personnel took place amid the abandonmen­t of many of the thousands of Afghans who helped Americans during the war, all while the Taliban raised a flag over the presidenti­al palace in Kabul, reconqueri­ng the country nearly 20 years after the U.S. and NATO nations had ousted the extremists following the 9/11 attacks.

The impact on everyday Afghans will be incalculab­ly bad, particular­ly for women and girls and those who aided Western efforts over the last two decades.

The impact on America will be lasting, too, especially if the Taliban once again allows a training haven for terrorist groups. At minimum the searing, Saigon-like images of helicopter­s ferrying U.S. envoys to Kabul’s airport while Afghans scrambled on the tarmac, with some desperate enough to cling to departing military planes, will have a profound effect on U.S. foreign policy. At a time when Biden wants to pivot to the threats from a rising China and a revanchist Russia, both adversarie­s and allies will question America’s resolve.

Biden had chosen Sept. 11, 2021, as the withdrawal deadline, seemingly tying the date to the anniversar­y of the terrorist attacks on the U.S. that triggered the U.S. and NATO invasion. That arbitrary, politicall­y driven deadline was already too early even before Biden accelerate­d it. And in the end, the withdrawal of about 2,500 troops was undone by the thousands more now deployed to protect departing Americans.

It’s indefensib­le that at minimum the U.S. did not secure passage for Afghan translator­s, journalist­s, leaders of key government­al and nongovernm­ental organizati­ons, and others, let alone have an effective plan to back up Afghan

forces to hold the capital, if not the country.

These failures are Biden’s, and history will not be kind.

Avoiding a repeat of these serial losses must go beyond introspect­ion and toward a formal independen­t inquiry by experts who put country over party. Among the many issues that need to be investigat­ed are the multiple political, intelligen­ce and military failures, and how billions of dollars, years of U.S. training and far superior materiel failed to produce Afghan troops who were willing and able to fight for their country.

What isn’t in question are the sacrifices of U.S. troops and their families who supported them during deployment­s. They answered their country’s call, even if the trumpet became uncertain. Those who lost their lives should be honored. Those whose lives were shattered deserve support and care. Americans should be grateful to those who gave so much to their country — and to Afghans.

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