Call & Times

Powell is the right choice for the Federal Reserve

- Bloomberg Opinion

President Joe Biden is right to nominate Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell for a second term. No disrespect to Lael Brainard, who was under considerat­ion as an alternativ­e; the White House says she’ll be nominated as vice chair instead. Both are eminently capable central bankers. But two good reasons argued for Powell: the need for continuity, and the need to resist politicizi­ng the Fed at a moment when its independen­ce might come into question.

The Biden administra­tion has no quarrel with the way the Fed has conducted monetary policy during Powell’s first term. Challenged by the pandemic, the central bank maintained strong and steady support for demand and succeeded in keeping financial markets functionin­g well – neither of which should be taken for granted. In recent months, inflation has climbed higher than most analysts expected owing to supply-chain disruption­s. Some of this rise is likely to be temporary, but how much is unclear. Policy needs to be adjusted, and this is in train: The Fed has announced it will taper its bond purchases over the coming months, and financial markets are starting to anticipate an earlier liftoff in interest rates.

Maintainin­g confidence in the Fed’s ability to fulfill its dual mandate on inflation and employment is crucial. It might’ve been better to start tapering earlier, when the first signs of higherthan­expected inflation appeared. But this was a close call, and not one on which Powell and Brainard were at odds. Looking forward, abruptly tightening in an effort to catch up with recent developmen­ts would also be a mistake. Better to nudge investors’ expectatio­ns in the right direction than shove them too forcefully. Again, Powell and Brainard most likely agree. Appointing a new chief amid this delicate transition would’ve served no purpose except to call the continuity of policy into question – an unnecessar­y risk.

Any suspicion of political calculatio­ns would’ve seriously compounded that error. Powell is a Republican and Brainard a Democrat. Their ability to work closely as colleagues is welcome in its own right, and sets an example for other parts of government. Choosing Brainard over Powell in response to calls from progressiv­es for a partisan appointmen­t would’ve simply aroused opposition to Brainard in Congress and moved the Fed one step closer to being seen as a political actor rather than a politicall­y independen­t entity.

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