Call & Times

Missing lost loved ones not easy for people or pets


It goes without saying we miss our Tinker Bell terribly. Any one who has had a pet knows losing one is hard.

The first pet most of lose is a gold fish. For me it was the first time I lost something that I cared about. Over the years I have lost birds, a cat and two other dogs, but no matter how many we lose it never gets easy.

What I have learned with losing Tink is that humans are not the only ones that feel the loss of a loved one. Tink and Wendy were what they call a bounded pair. They did everything together. When I went out they sat together watching the door waiting for me to return. At night they would sleep together in the parlor while I watched TV. When we went to bed, they would each go in their own crates but the crates had to be side by side so they could see each other. When Wendy got scared by a noise, she would run to sit by Tink.

When I came home without Tink, Wendy was confused. She didn’t know where her sister was. I never realized how much a dog could grieve. The first week was the hardest, each morning she would go from room to room looking for her. Every so often she would go in the bedroom and just sit in Tink’s bed. Every morning the two of them would come out and get a special treat that I had just for mornings. Wendy stopped eating that treat. Most of all she needed to be in my lap nearly all the time. I think it makes her feel safe. The hardest part for her is when I went to the store. She still sat and watched the door but she added barking and crying while she waited.

I am blessed, I have wonderful friends who have called and checked to see how I’m feeling. I find talking to them has help me a lot. Unfortunat­ely, I can’t explain to Wendy what has happened. Wendy is loving it when friends stop by. I think she gets so excited she forgets about Tink for a short time.

This week things have gotten a little better. I picked up Tink’s ashes Saturday and it made me feel good to have her “home.” Wendy returned to the reading program at Fallon and visited her senior friends. She settled in at both just like old times. We play ball in the house more often, which has always been one of her favorite things to do. I’m trying to set a new routine for her that she can settle into and it seems to be working. I know I’m spoiling her but she deserves it.

I’ve been making short trips out without her. It helps her to understand I will be back. I’m also taking her with me a little more so she is not alone to often. She is getting better today she ate her special morning treat which made me feel good.

People have asked if I’ll get another dog. At this time, I say no. Wendy is nine now and I’m not so sure she would like another dog in the house. Wendy has been my therapy dog though out this and I think she’s all I need right now. I’m looking forward to Spring when we can go out and share more adventures together.

Have a great week. If you see us around town, be sure to say hi.

 ?? Photo by Dawn Goff ?? Wendy back at “work” at Fallon’s reading program.
Photo by Dawn Goff Wendy back at “work” at Fallon’s reading program.

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