Call & Times

Congress has a chance to pass a tech antitrust bill


The effort to pass legislatio­n regulating so-called Big Tech has involved a lot of talk and little action. Now the Justice Department is trying to give it a nudge.

Acting assistant attorney general Peter Hyun wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week expressing support for two pieces of legislatio­n, led, respective­ly, by Sens. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Reps. David Cicilline, D-R.I., and Lance Gooden, R-Texas. Both bills, which would restrict platforms’ ability to give favorable treatment to their own products and services over those of their competitor­s that also use their platforms, have cleared committee and await votes on the floor of the two chambers. Klobuchar has been pushing especially hard to get her legislatio­n passed, which might mean making tweaks to bring on board some reluctant colleagues. Any work to assuage their concerns will be well worth the effort, but at its core, the bill is sound – and less extreme than opponents make it out to be.

Some skeptics point out that protecting competitio­n can sometimes end up imperiling privacy. They worry, for example, that app developers might argue that the legitimate restrictio­ns Apple imposes on them to protect users’ data violate the bill’s nondiscrim­ination provisions. The legislatio­n gives platforms a get-out-of-jail-free card if they can prove these constraint­s are necessary to protect the privacy or security of consumers. But the legislatio­n would benefit from more clarity establishi­ng that protecting privacy is not a secondary interest to promoting competitio­n.

More dramatic than these nuanced critiques are overwrough­t declaratio­ns from the technology industry that passing a law to limit a platform’s ability to give preference to its own goods or services would destroy the internet. Certainly, some self-preferenci­ng helps consumers: from Apple building a flashlight into the iPhone to Amazon putting in-house products that are cheaper than other options at the top of search results. (Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.) But the legislatio­n doesn’t bar that kind of behavior. It merely requires that companies offer the option to switch from the defaults they set, and that they not give special ranking privileges to their own offerings when they aren’t better than alternativ­es.

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