Call & Times

Live out your best life


Are you down on yourself because time is going by and you are not yet where you want to be in life? Do you feel stuck in your present situation? Or perhaps, you’re worried about your future because of an unfair situation or challenge. Now, you are sitting on the sidelines of life and

thinking, “It is over,” “I won’t reach my goals,” or “I’m just going to quit.”

When situations seem to be the most difficult, that’s not time to relinquish or to talk yourself out of living your best life possible. That’s the time to:

•“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask.

•Keep on seeking, and you will find.

•Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened for you”

For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7, 8)

God knows where you are and what you need; and He is active on your behalf. There is still a great future in front of you. So, ask, seek and keep on knocking. You’re going to survive what you now face and come back even stronger.

In the Bible, Psalm 20:2 says, “He will send you help from His holy place…” God works in mysterious ways. Out of the blue, you may meet someone and that encounter may cause a long-held dream to come to pass. Suddenly, you could be at the right place at the right time and receive your miracle. And unexpected­ly, an adverse circumstan­ce can turn around for good.

“God is in control,” reader Penny Martin wrote via email, “If we will only surrender it all to Him, extraordin­arily, He will work it out.” Today can be the day you receive that phone call. Tomorrow, God could send you that amazing opportunit­y, or this week a last-minute interventi­on can occur and a new person could come into your life and change the course of your future.

God knows how to successful­ly restore and alter situations and bring the people you need into your life to help get you back on track. He wants you to be happy, blessed and victorious. Therefore, do not be discourage­d; have faith. Be steadfast. And hang on… help is on the way!

I recall years ago, my family and I just happened to stop at a shopping mall and quite unexpected­ly we walked into the mall’s pet shop. Certainly, we were not looking for any more pets to add to our dog, four cats, and two bunnies. But a tiny, black puppy caught my eye.

Our children asked me if they could hold the animal. I shook my head, ‘okay,’ and the pet store attendant took the two-pound puppy from its cage and gingerly placed the feeble animal in my oldest daughter’s waiting arms. We all loved him, but decided we didn’t need another pet.

Yet, before the attendant put the puppy back into its barren cage, a voice inside my head clearly said, “Take the dog.” As we walked away, I kept looking back.

For despite the small voice playing in my mind, echoing, “Take the dog,” we left the pet store without the puppy.

For hours thereafter, I tried to talk myself out of getting another pet. But I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling. It was like an alarm clock going off in my conscience saying, “Take the dog.”

With a receptive spirit, I thought about the possibilit­y of a new addition to the family. The next day, we all jumped into the car, drove back to the pet store and bought the tiny pup. The children were beaming as we joyfully carried him home.

However, the following morning, I noticed that something was very wrong. The puppy was listless, unresponsi­ve, and coughed continuall­y. Without delay, I called our veterinari­an.

I explained the situation, and she said to bring the puppy into the office.

After an examinatio­n, indeed, the puppy was very sick and we immediatel­y started him on medication­s, food supplement­s and vitamins. Day and night, for weeks, I cared for the ailing animal. At times, it didn’t seem as though he’d make it through the ordeal. Yet the puppy was a real fighter. “Don’t give up, don’t give up,” I’d whisper in his ear, as I held him continuall­y. “The rest of your life is going to be the best of your life,” I promised.

Little by little, the animal gained its strength. And my promise held true, for our puppy, Max, made a miraculous recovery. He is now completely healthy and is flourishin­g.

Every bright morning when Max happily scampers toward me and I see his wagging tail, I give God daily doses of praise that He directed my steps to Max. And moreover, that I listened to my still, small voice within.

Like Max, you may be going through a challengin­g time, but continue to persevere through it. God will always send someone to help you. For it has been said, “A coincidenc­e is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

It still brings a tear to my eye as I tell this story. For regardless of your circumstan­ces, don’t ever give up.

Seek God, walk in His ways and heed your God-given intuition. Blessings will soon multiply in abundance and, “The rest of your life is going to be the best of your life.”

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