Call & Times

Recent kidnapping­s are a wake-up call for both Mexico and the U.S.

- León Krauze

Last Friday, after crossing into Matamoros, one of northern Mexico’s most dangerous cities, four American citizens were taken at gunpoint. The harrowing images of the kidnapping led to an immediate outcry in the United States. For days, major networks opened their newscasts with the story. The FBI offered a $50,000 reward for the return of the victims and informatio­n on their captors. The White House vowed to “bring those responsibl­e to justice.”

As pressure from the United States mounted, something very unusual happened in Mexico: The crime was quickly solved.

After video of the attack became public, it took Mexican authoritie­s 24 hours to find the kidnapped Americans. On Tuesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador took a phone call, live during his daily news conference, from the governor of Tamaulipas. The group had been found, the governor said. They had been held in a safe house in the outskirts of Matamoros. Two had been killed.

Outrage in the United States had other, equally surprising consequenc­es. The Gulf Cartel, also known as the CDG, whose stronghold in the northeaste­rn state of Tamaulipas has penetrated deep across the Texas border, took the unpreceden­ted step of apologizin­g. It apparently left five of their people, bound, in the middle of Matamoros, along with a note asking for “forgivenes­s” for what had happened. “We are committed to avoiding these mistakes caused by indiscipli­ne,” the note read. “The CDG asks society to be calm.”

The call for social calm from such a violent organizati­on is telling. In Mexico, the swift resolution of the Matamoros attack has been a stark reminder of the helplessne­ss endured by the vast majority of Mexicans. People in Mexico can’t count on anything like the remarkable expediency of the Matamoros investigat­ion, let alone organized crime’s contrition. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Scenes like the recent kidnapping are not limited to Tamaulipas. Violence threatens daily life in vast regions of Mexico. It is no coincidenc­e that the State Department now considers only two of the 32 states in Mexico safe for travel.

Crime has festered because of the impunity with which criminals operate in Mexico. More than 94 percent of crimes in the country languish unresolved. Failure of the rule of law is particular­ly serious in cases such as the one in Matamoros. There are more than 100,000 unsolved forced disappeara­nces on record. According to a recent report from the U.N. Committee on Enforced Disappeara­nces, “almost absolute” impunity persists in the country. For a Mexican family that has suffered the disappeara­nce of a loved one, prompt action by the government is almost unfathomab­le.

“If they acted this swiftly in the search for our disappeare­d, they would all be found,” said Cecilia Flores, a Mexican woman who has spent the last seven years looking for her children.

Maria Elena Morera, a well-known public safety activist, told me that Mexican authoritie­s often “disregard” these disappeara­nces. “In Mexico, justice can take months or years. Sometimes, even a lifetime,” she said.

Unfortunat­ely, U.S. authoritie­s have taken the wrong lesson from the tragedy in Matamoros. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) has suggested extreme measures, such as formally designatin­g cartels as terrorist organizati­ons, a decision that would open the door to military operations inside Mexican territory.

Such a move would be folly. As White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently explained, designatin­g cartels as terrorist organizati­ons would do little to grant the government “any additional authoritie­s” that it doesn’t already have. Entertaini­ng the idea of further military involvemen­t in Mexico would immediatel­y open dangerous old wounds in the bilateral relationsh­ip. Trust between the two countries should be strengthen­ed, not threatened.

Indeed, Mexicans don’t need threats of U.S. military interventi­on to improve the situation on the ground. Instead, the United States should seize the moment and work to strengthen Mexican institutio­ns. The Biden administra­tion could be a more forceful advocate for Mexican democracy and rule of law – a debate it has only timidly entered, perhaps in fear of antagonizi­ng López Obrador. The weakening of Mexico’s independen­t institutio­ns benefits organized crime. The cartels’ sense of impunity, a sense that contribute­d to the brazen daylight attack in Matamoros, must end. It has eaten away at the right to basic safety for tens of millions of Mexicans.

The crisis should also lead to an acknowledg­ment of the real origin of the cartels’ power: the endless appetite for drugs in the United States, and America’s seemingly endless supply of weaponry for Mexican criminal organizati­ons.

A broader reckoning is required. We need to take stock of what needs to be done to start to turn the tide. Without such an effort, things will only get worse.

– – León Krauze is an award-winning Mexican journalist, author and news anchor. He is currently national news anchor for Univision, based out of Miami.

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