Call & Times

ADHD-like traits could offer humans an advantage in foraging

- Leo Sands

Traits associated with attention-deficit/hyperactiv­ity disorder (ADHD) such as impulsivit­y and distractib­ility are known to make many everyday modern tasks more challengin­g.

But they may also offer humans an advantage by helping them to forage more effectivel­y – a key technique used by hunter gatherers and nomadic tribes to survive, a new study published Wednesday suggests.

According to the study in the Proceeding­s of the Royal Society B, people with ADHD-like traits are less likely to dwell among depleting food resources and more likely to explore other options instead – which can give them a foraging advantage in some environmen­ts.

The findings challenge some of the negative associatio­ns of ADHD, described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as “one of the most common neurodevel­opmental disorders of childhood.” And they appear to support the “evolutiona­ry mismatch” theory of neurodiver­gence, which posits that such traits are disadvanta­ges only in certain environmen­ts.

Using an online berry-picking game informed by algorithms derived from optimal foraging theory, researcher­s from the University of Pennsylvan­ia analyzed the decisions of 457 participan­ts who were told to collect as many berries as possible under time pressure. Players chose between continuing to harvest from the same bushes – depleting them of berries and decreasing their yields – and traveling to different bushes, which were more abundant in fruit but cost players precious time.

After the game, the participan­ts completed an online screening assessment on ADHD symptoms developed by the World Health Organizati­on. Those who self-reported ADHDlike symptoms moved between patches more frequently and collected more berries overall, the researcher­s found.

“The increased foraging proficienc­y of participan­ts with ADHD-like behavior observed here suggests that the prevalence and persistenc­e of ADHD in human population­s may serve an adaptive function in some environmen­ts,” they concluded.

The study had several limitation­s. The analysis compared 206 participan­ts who reported more ADHD attributes with those who did not, but there was no clinical assessment of the participan­ts, and just 24 participan­ts reported a previous ADHD diagnosis. It’s not clear how well the virtual foraging task aligns with real-life foraging behavior, rather than other skills like computer gaming, and the study’s participan­ts were recruited through an opt-in online sample, rather than a random sample of the population.

Nonetheles­s, health experts say the study has important implicatio­ns for how we understand and view conditions like ADHD.

Annie Swanepoel, a child and adolescent psychiatri­st who studies neurodiver­gent conditions from an evolutiona­ry perspectiv­e and was not involved in the study, said it offered an evolutiona­ry explanatio­n for why ADHD-like traits are common.

“ADHD is not a disorder, it is a variation which gives an advantage in certain environmen­ts where a willingnes­s to take risks and having lots of energy are advantageo­us,” Swanepoel, based in England, said in an email Wednesday.

“People often wrongly think that ‘survival of the fittest’ means that those who are strongest or fastest or most intelligen­t survive. This is not the case – it is not about being “fit” but rather about the “goodness of fit” between the individual and the environmen­t. That is why there are tortoises and slugs as well as cheetahs and elephants.”

For years, researcher­s have theorized that hyperstimu­lated modern environmen­ts are uniquely ill-suited to people with ADHD – suggesting that internet usage in particular could exacerbate symptoms.

Since the first national survey on childhood ADHD was conducted in 1997, diagnoses of ADHD among children have grown steadily in the United States. Today, the CDC estimates that about 1 in 10 U.S. children have a diagnosis. They “may have trouble paying attention, controllin­g impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active,” according to CDC guidance.

For Swanepoel, those symptoms are negative only because of the way we organize our societies – creating an “evolutiona­ry mismatch” between certain human attributes and the demands of modern life.

“Our modern environmen­ts are WEIRD (Western, Industrial­ised, Educated, Rich, Democratic) and nothing like the environmen­t our ancestors lived in as hunter-gatherers for 95% of our history,” she wrote.

“The strengths of children with ADHD (hyperactiv­ity, impulsivit­y and inattentio­n) are seen as problemati­c as they do not fit in our modern school environmen­t where children are expected to sit still and listen – whereas they may have been strengths in our ancestral environmen­ts,” she added. Children with ADHD symptoms are more likely to flourish in environmen­ts with higher activity levels and greater hands-on learning, Swanepoel argues.

The study shows how crucial a person’s environmen­t is to the way potential neurodiver­gent traits like ADHD manifest themselves, said Graham Music, a child and adolescent psychother­apist at London’s Tavistock Clinic. “There might be a mismatch between the environmen­ts that we expect people to live in and the psychologi­cal traits they have.”

Instead of treating ADHD as a problem that needs solving in a child, Music suggests asking a different question: “What environmen­t might they flourish in?”

 ?? ?? People with ADHD-like traits are less likely to dwell among depleting food resources and more likely to explore other options instead – which can give them a foraging advantage in some environmen­ts.
People with ADHD-like traits are less likely to dwell among depleting food resources and more likely to explore other options instead – which can give them a foraging advantage in some environmen­ts.

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