Call & Times

Biden signs $1.2 trillion spending bill passed in dead of night


WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President Joe Biden on Saturday signed a $1.2 trillion package of spending bills after Congress had passed the long overdue legislatio­n just hours earlier.

"This agreement represents a compromise, which means neither side got everything it wanted," Biden said in a statement. "But it rejects extreme cuts from House Republican­s and expands access to child care, invests in cancer research, funds mental health and substance use care, advances American leadership abroad, and provides resources to secure the border . ... That's good news for the American people."

It took lawmakers six months into the current budget year to get near the finish line on government funding, the process slowed by conservati­ves who pushed for more policy mandates and steeper spending cuts than a Democratic-led Senate or White House would consider. The impasse required several short-term spending bills to keep agencies funded.

The White House said Biden signed the legislatio­n at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, where he was spending the weekend. It had cleared the Senate by a 7424 vote shortly after funding had expired for the agencies at midnight.

But the White House had sent out a notice shortly after the deadline announcing that the Office of Management and Budget had ceased shutdown preparatio­ns because there was a high degree of confidence that Congress

would pass the legislatio­n and the Democratic president would sign it Saturday.

The first package of full-year spending bills, which funded the department­s of Veterans Affairs, Agricultur­e and the Interior, among others, cleared Congress two weeks ago with just hours to spare before funding expired for those agencies. The second covered the department­s of Defense, Homeland Security and State, as well as other aspects of general government.

When combining the two packages, discretion­ary spending for the budget year will come to about $1.66 trillion. That does not include programs such as Social Security and Medicare, or financing the country's rising debt.

On Ukraine aid, the package provided $300 million. That funding is separate from a large assistance package for Ukraine and Israel that is bogged down on Capitol Hill.

Biden, in his statement, again pressed Congress to pass additional aid.

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