Call & Times

FaiTh/ObiTuaries You are capable of far more than you can imagine


There was once a poor farmer who struggled for years to make a living out of his land. The ground was rocky. The farmer’s pebbly and gritty soil had little nutrients. It held water poorly, and it didn’t drain well. He tried. But nothing substantia­l seemed to grow.

For it did not have enough organic material for many of his plants to survive.

Discourage­d and grim, the farmer didn’t see anything improving. It looked like it was over, so he thought, “What’s the use of trying anymore?” And after many difficult seasons, frustrated, the farmer decided to give up and quit. He sold the land and then left the farm to garner a livelihood elsewhere.

Years later, the farmer returned to his old farm. As he approached it, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Stunned, he found dozens of workers and heavy machinery on the land. So, the farmer collected himself. Then, he asked one of the workers, “What are you doing?”

After a short pause, the worker replied matter-of-factly, “We are digging up diamonds.”

The farmer’s farm was actually a diamond mine!

Is there something you have given up on today? Is there a situation in your life that seems impossible for you to prevail? Like the farmer, don’t get discourage­d when circumstan­ces appear to be telling you that ‘it’s too late’ or ‘nothing is going to work out’ and then walk away and quit.

What you’re up against might be difficult. But you were not created for fear, or to be shackled by negative emotions or memories. Present circumstan­ces are not going to stop you. A bad break, an inconvenie­nce or another bump in the road will not bring you down.

With an unwavering, can-do mindset, stand strong and be confident. It’s just a matter of time before your breakthrou­gh. God has new opportunit­ies with which He wants to entrust you, so be on the look-out. A while back, my daughters and I were traveling out of town by car to a business meeting. I was driving, and the navigation was telling us to go on one road. But the paper directions we had said to travel a different route. I wasn’t sure which way to go. Then, from the back seat, my youngest daughter chimed in and said, “There is more than one way to get there.”

Similarly, God has more than one way to get you to your destinatio­n. And He can lead in a variety of ways.

•God took Joseph from the prison and put him to the palace. (Genesis 41:3745).

•God used Nehemiah to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 1-3)

•And Elijah’s prayers and his persistenc­e prevailed. (1 Kings 18:4344).

If anything were possible, what would be in your future? Write down on paper the vision of your most successful life. Consider long and hard the dreams you are choosing. Have high expectatio­ns because you are capable of far more than you can imagine.

Remember that “God has not forgotten you…” (Isaiah 49:15) For, “He has written your name in the palm of His hand.” (Isaiah 49:16). You are

“More than a conqueror.” (Romans 8:38) You’re “Strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” (Ephesians 6:11) And you are “Blessed coming in and blessed going out.” (Deuteronom­y 28:6).

Continue persisting, making a difference in the lives of others and allowing your faith to press you forward. You’re close to success. God’s mighty Hand of deliveranc­e is going to bring you to a place of joy, peace and blessings. Soon, it will be a new day of victory in your life filled with exciting adventures, new friends and renewed hope.

Years ago, I heard a story about a bakery owner. Every morning, he gathered some of the town’s needy children and gave them each a warm loaf of bread.

Rather than being appreciati­ve for the baker’s kindness, many of the children fought over who would get the largest loaf. They complained, were bitter about their present circumstan­ces, and were just out for themselves.

However, there was one little girl in the crowd who had a different attitude. Day after day, patiently, she waited for the others to stop fighting, and she gratefully took the smallest loaf. Then, she thanked the baker and happily brought the loaf home to share with her family.

One day, as her mother was slicing the bread, she found several pieces of silver inside the loaf. Quite surprised, the mother showed her daughter what she discovered in the bread.

So, the next day, as usual, the children went back to the bakery. The little girl, who happened to be the neediest, also returned.

Holding out the palm of her hand, the girl revealed the silver coins to the baker and said, “Sir, inside the loaf of bread that you so generously gave to us, we found your money. You must have accidently dropped the coins while you were baking the loaf.”

The baker responded, “I did not make a mistake, I put the coins in the smallest loaf of bread as a reward.”

And… a reward is coming for you. God works in mysterious ways. Don’t stop now. Your situation is going to turn around. God is about to give you a miracle. Something good is ready to happen.

Despite what you are going through now or what has transpired in the past, if there were ever a time not to give up, this is it. Suddenly, you’ll meet someone, and that encounter can cause a long-held dream to transpire. Out of the blue, you will be at the right place at the right time and receive a blessing. Doors of opportunit­y will swing open. And, all of a sudden, your needs will be abundantly met.

God is soon going to grant you the desires of your heart. And He will take you further than you ever dreamed possible.

It’s a new you… and a new day of victory for you.

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