Call & Times

Supreme Court weighs laws against vagrancy


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court wrestled with major questions about the growing issue of homelessne­ss on Monday as it considered whether cities can ban camping on the street.

It’s the most significan­t case before the high court in decades on the issue, and comes as record numbers of people are without a permanent place to live in the United States.

The case started in the rural Oregon town of Grants Pass, which began fining people $295 for sleeping outside as the cost of housing escalated and tents sprung up in the city’s public parks. The San Francisco-based U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the law under its holding that banning camping in places without enough shelter beds amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.

The justices appeared to be leaning toward a narrow ruling in the case after hearing arguments that showed the stark terms of the debate over homelessne­ss in Western states like California, which is home to one-third of the country’s homeless population.

Sleeping is a biological necessity, and people may be forced to do it outside if they can’t get housing or there’s no space in shelters, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said.

“Where do we put them if every city, every village, every town lacks compassion and passes a law identical to this? Where are they supposed to sleep? Are they supposed to kill themselves, not sleeping?” she said.

Solving homelessne­ss is a complicate­d issue, said Justice Brett Kavanaugh. He questioned whether ticketing people for camping helps if there aren’t enough shelter beds to hold everyone, but also raised concerns about federal courts “micromanag­ing” policy.

Other justices asked how far Eighth Amendment legal protection­s extend as cities with managing homeless encampment­s that can be dangerous and unsanitary.

“How about if there are no public bathroom facilities, do people have an Eighth Amendment right to defecate and urinate outdoors?” said Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Other public-health laws cover that situation, Justice Department attorney Edwin Kneedler said. He argued people shouldn’t be punished just for sleeping outside, but said the ruling striking down the Grants Pass law should be tossed out because the court didn’t do enough to determine if people are “involuntar­ily homeless.”

Gorsuch and other justices also raised the possibilit­y that other aspects of state or federal law could help sort through the issue, potentiall­y without setting sweeping new legal precedent.

The question is an urgent one in the West, where a cross-section of Democratic and Republican officials contend that the 9th Circuit’s rulings on camping bans make it difficult for them to manage encampment­s. The appeals court has jurisdicti­on over nine states in the West.

Advocacy groups, on the other hand, argued that allowing cities to punish people who need a place to sleep will criminaliz­e homelessne­ss and ultimately make the crisis worse as the cost of housing increases.

Hundreds of demonstrat­ors gathered outside the Supreme Court Monday morning to advocate for more affordable housing, holding silver thermal blankets and signs like “housing not handcuffs.”

Homelessne­ss in the United States grew a dramatic 12% last year to its highest reported level, as soaring rents and a decline in coronaviru­s pandemic assistance combined to put housing out of reach for more people.

The court is expected to decide the case by the end of June.

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