
Fueling with food


One common side effect of treatment is a change in appetite and how food tastes. Experiment with your diet and talk it over with your cancer care team. Eating the right kinds of food can make a big difference in how you feel. Nutrition is an important part of navigating through cancer and you need healthy food to build up your strength and withstand some of the side effects.

Follow a healthy diet high in protein with plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats for as long as you can while on treatment. Fats in avocados, peanut butter, nuts and seeds, fatty fish such as salmon, olive oil, tofu and soybeans help store energy, insulate body tissues and transport some vitamins through the blood. Protein such as dairy, fish, poultry, lean red meat, eggs, peas and lentils, helps heal tissues and fight infection. Carbohydra­tes, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain pasta, quinoa and cereals, give the body the fuel it needs for physical activity and proper organ function.

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