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Late Night Laughs: Around the White House

- Source: www. newsmax. com

› Earlier tonight, President Trump and his family lit the national Christmas tree. Of course, Trump refused to light it until everyone agreed his tree had the most lights in history — “800 million billion.” — Jimmy Fallon

› Trump also sent a thoughtful tweet about coming together, putting aside our difference­s and rememberin­g what the holidays are all about. I’m just kidding. He insulted the leaders of two countries on Twitter. — Jimmy Fallon

› Trump lashed out at British Prime Minister Theresa May on Twitter, but he actually tagged the wrong Theresa May. When he heard that he sent an embarrassi­ng tweet, he said, “You’re going to have to be way more specific.” — Jimmy Fallon

› Two large properties associated with Donald Trump have decided to disassocia­te from him. One is the Trump SoHo hotel, and the other is the Kremlin. — Conan O’Brien

› The New York Times is reporting that Donald Trump is expected to fire his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in the coming weeks. … Tillerson says he’s not paying attention to the rumors. And as the former head of ExxonMobil, he’s used to ignoring lots of leaks. — James Corden

› President Trump commented on North Korea’s missile launch today, saying, quote, “We’ll take care of it.” That’s it? I have to say, I don’t find it comforting that the president talked about enemy missiles the same way a dermatolog­ist talks about a weird mole. — Seth Meyers

› A sixth woman has come forward to accuse Senator Al Franken of sexually inappropri­ate behavior. On the plus side, if Franken resigns as senator from Minnesota, he could still be elected the senator from Alabama. — Conan O’Brien

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