Chattanooga Times Free Press

Bush, Obama on stage together share laughs


WASHINGTON — All smiles, President Barack Obama shared the stage with former President George W. Bush, the predecesso­r he often inveighs against, in a friendly White House welcome for the unveiling of the 43rd president’s official portrait.

Obama told Bush and an assembly of former Bush aides and Cabinet members on Thursday: “We may have our difference­s politicall­y, but the presidency transcends those difference­s.”

Bush, light- hearted and expansive, saluted artist John Howard Sanden for “a fine job with a challengin­g subject.”

With George Washington over his shoulder, Bush jokingly noted symmetry in the lineup of presidenti­al portraits: “It now starts and ends with a George W.”

It was a rare public appearance for the former president, who was joined by his wife, Laura, and other family members, including his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and his mother, former first lady Barbara Bush.

Obama thanked Bush for his service to the country and said it takes someone who has served as president to understand the challenges that face the White House occupant.

“In this job, no decision that reaches your desk is easy, no choice you make is without cost, no matter how hard you try, you’re not going to make everybody happy,” Obama said. “I think that’s something that President Bush and I both learned pretty quickly.”

What’s more, he told Bush, “you left me a really good TV sports package. ... I use it.”

The unveiling ceremony amounted to a reunion of old Bush-era hands, including former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Secretary of State Colin Powell, political adviser Karl Rove and Homeland Security head Tom Ridge. Before the ceremony, Obama and his wife, Michelle, hosted more than a dozen members of the Bush family for a private lunch.

The good humor and the well-wishes belied sharp political difference­s between the two men.

Obama is still bad-mouthing Bush’s time in office, and it’s not just because of the federal debt and the unfinished wars Obama inherited. Obama sees Bush’s economic ideas as the same as those of his current rival, Republican Mitt Romney, so he lumps them together.

Still, the political reunion put aside any campaign rhetoric.

Obama has never run against Bush, although it was easy to forget that during his 2008 contest with Sen. John McCain, when Bush’s tenure was so often Obama’s target.

It was just one week ago that Obama, revving up campaign donors, turned Bush into a punch line. Obama depicted Republican foe Romney as a peddler of bad economic ideas, helping the rich at the expense of the middle class. He then added: “That was tried, remember? The last guy did all this.”

On Thursday, the last guy came back.

Only 43 men in history, and five men alive, have held the job.

 ??  ?? Former President George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush, right, unveil their portraits at the White House on Thursday.
Former President George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush, right, unveil their portraits at the White House on Thursday.

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