Chattanooga Times Free Press

Alexander expects budget deal in 2013

- Contact Dave Flessner at dflessner@timesfreep­ or at 757-6340 By Dave Flessner

Despite the current partisan gridlock in Congress, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said Thursday he expects Congress will reach some type of a budget compromise following the presidenti­al election in November.

“We don’t have a choice,” Alexander told the Chattanoog­a Rotary Club. “Either in the lame duck session (after the November elections and before the next Congress takes office in January) or in the first three months of the new presidenti­al term, we have to deal with our fiscal situation.”

Alexander said it is most likely the needed compromise will come in early 2013 and involve both tax and entitlemen­t reforms to cut spending and raise more money to narrow a federal budget deficit projected to reach $ 1.1 trillion this year.

In the U.S. Senate where 60 votes are required to pass most measures, Republican­s and Democrats will have to

Either in the lame duck session [ late 2012] or in the first three months of the new presidenti­al term, we will have to deal with our fiscal situation.

compromise because neither party will have a sufficient majority before or after this fall’s election, Alexander said.

“If we don’t do it, by the year 2025 every tax dollar we collect will go for Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid and there will be no money for national defense, the national parks, national labs or student loans,” he said. “That’s an intolerabl­e situation, and that’s only 10 or 11 years away.”

Alexander made his comments after recalling his own experience becoming Tennessee governer three days early in 1979 at the urging of Democratic prosecutor­s,

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-tenn.

judges and lawmakers. Former Gov. Ray Blanton was accused at the time of selling pardons and federal prosecutor­s urged Alexander to take office as governor earlier than planned.

Then-Democratic House Speaker Ned Ray McWherter, who later became Tennessee governor, said he supported Alexander taking office early. “I’m a Tennessean first,” he said when asked why a Democrat was supporting a Republican replacing a Democrat as governor.

Alexander said such bipartisan action during a time of crisis should be a model for politician­s putting country ahead of partisan gain.

During his term as governor, Alexander and a Democratic­ally controlled Legislatur­e helped improve the state’s roads and education by raising gasoline and sales tax rates to fund the improvemen­ts.

Alexander, who stepped down as Senate Republican Caucus Chairman earlier this year, is among lawmakers who have voiced support for the recommenda­tions of the president’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibi­lity and Reform (often called Bowles- Simpson commission after co-chairs Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles). That panel recommende­d spending cuts, fewer tax deductions and a flatter tax rate.

“We’ve got to raise the debt ceiling, reduce the debt, reform the tax system, deal with Medicare and a whole host of other things,” Alexander said. “We just need to do our jobs that we were elected to do and put the country first.”

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A man carries a large cardboard box labeled with “Roncato,” an Italian luggage and suitcase brand, into the building where the Bankia bank headquarte­rs are housed in Madrid on Thursday.
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