Chattanooga Times Free Press

Dwarfs, ‘Huntsman’ save this Snow White

- By Roger Moore

The Grimm fairy tale returns to its gray and gory origins in “Snow White and the Huntsman,” the second “Snow White” remake of 2012.

Unlike the gorgeous but dizzy “Mirror Mirror,” “Huntsman” is more sword and sorcery, a film of battles and swordfight­s, murder and revenge. But for all the excitement of this visually striking action fantasy set in a land of mud and maggots, it’s the familiar story elements that work the best. Things don’t take on a workable tone until those devilish dwarfs show up, an hour into the proceeding­s.

And thank heaven for the Huntsman, a character typically given short shrift in films of this tale. When Chris Hemsworth swaggers onto the screen, this sometimes ponderous movie gets a muchneeded taste of levity.

Charlize Theron takes her shot at going over the top as Ravenna, the sorceress who marries the widowed king and kills him. The new queen fears the king’s daughter, Snow White.

This is an evil queen with a serious grudge against men who “use” and “ruin” women and cast them aside. Ravenna plans to beat this system.

Snow White grows up to be Kristen Stewart, all dark hair and fair skin and suggestive lips. No wonder the older woman is afraid. The Huntsman is first hired to track the fleeing princess, but changes sides in a heartbeat.

And in the middle of their flight from the evil queen’s equally evil brother, Finn (Sam Spruell), Snow White and the Huntsman stumble into a gang of dwarfs.

Of all the effects on display here — the liquid-metal magic mirror, the queen’s aging and vampire-like ability to regain her youth, the haunted forests and enchanting fairies — the dwarves are the most impressive. First-time director Rupert Sanders uses forced perspectiv­e and prosthetic­s and a few other tricks to cast an impressive array of character actors in these roles, and not just the best dwarf actors available.

Thus we get the wicked twinkle of Ian McShane, the sour-faced annoyance of Toby Jones, the testy befuddleme­nt of Eddie Marsan and the hilarious cluelessne­ss of Nick Frost, all convincing­ly transforme­d into little people. They’re just as cute as the characters inevitably are. But they seem more unruly and more dangerous than the septet in “Mirror Mirror.”

In the battle of the dueling queens, Oscar winner Theron comes up short against the regally evil Julia Roberts of “Mirror Mirror.” Theron, at a loss in playing this embittered and cunning character’s power, tosses epic tantrums and turns into a shrieking harpy at every turn. She seems off for much of the film.

The lovely Stewart makes an unlikely action heroine, better in the romantic clinches than in a fight. But does anybody else think that a mirror that proclaims her “fairest” over Charlize Theron needs glasses?

It’s too long, and the many new characters and settings make “Snow White and the Huntsman” lose track of its main thread for stretches. On the whole, it’s a more engrossing, more lively re-imagining of the classic tale than “Mirror Mirror.” But it’s not going to make anybody forget the Disney version.

 ??  ?? The Queen (Charlize Theron, left) consults with the Mirror Man in the epic action-adventure “Snow White and the Huntsman,” the new vision of the legendary tale from the producer of “Alice in Wonderland.”
The Queen (Charlize Theron, left) consults with the Mirror Man in the epic action-adventure “Snow White and the Huntsman,” the new vision of the legendary tale from the producer of “Alice in Wonderland.”

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