Chattanooga Times Free Press

High HDL levels are but one component of a healthy heart


DEAR DOCTOR K: For years my doctor has been telling me about the benefits of high levels of HDL cholestero­l. Now I read that high HDL may not protect against heart disease after all. Is “good” cholestero­l still good for you?

DEAR READER: The HDL cholestero­l story is a cautionary tale. It demonstrat­es once again that even the most persuasive theories about what should make us healthy need to be put to the test.

It has been solidly establishe­d that people who have high levels of LDL (bad) cholestero­l have a higher risk of developing heart disease. Moreover, it has been solidly establishe­d that treatments that lower LDL cholestero­l reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

It also has been solidly establishe­d that people with HDL levels above 60 milligrams per deciliter (mg/ dL) tend to have a lower risk for heart disease. Since HDL cholestero­l removes fat from the plaques in arteries, that observatio­n made sense.

Not unreasonab­ly, doctors and scientists assumed that boosting HDL with medication would lower cardiac risk even more. There are several drugs that have been around for 30 years — particular­ly gemfibrozi­l and niacin — that modestly raise levels of HDL. These drugs were tested in people with heart disease. They did lower the risk of new heart problems, but it wasn’t clear if they achieved that benefit by lowering HDL cholestero­l or through some other effect.

Then several different types of drugs were developed that could dramatical­ly raise HDL levels. Most doctors, myself included, bet that such drugs would probably reduce the risk of heart disease. Why? Because all the evidence seemed to point in that direction.

Before such drugs were approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion, however, the agency required that studies involving large numbers of people be conducted to prove the value of the drugs. To make a long and painful story short, over the past five years these drugs have proved very disappoint­ing. Not only have they not convincing­ly lowered the risk of heart trouble — in some cases, they have increased the risk.

In addition, a recent Harvard study pooled health informatio­n on more than 116,000 people geneticall­y predispose­d to produce higher-than-normal amounts of HDL. Surprising­ly, this group did not show the predicted lower risk of heart attack.

How can this study be squared with previous studies that have convincing­ly showed that people with high levels of HDL have a lower risk of heart disease? The most likely conclusion is that it is not the high HDL levels, but rather something else about people who have high HDL levels that protects them from heart disease.

Many lifestyle changes raise HDL cholestero­l and indisputab­ly reduce your risk of heart disease: regular exercise, healthy weight, avoiding trans fats, quitting smoking and moderate use of alcohol. These lifestyle changes may not work through their effects on your HDL level, but they surely and powerfully do work.

 ??  ?? Dr. K Dr. Anthony Komaroff
Dr. K Dr. Anthony Komaroff

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