Chattanooga Times Free Press

Thoughts on freedom of associatio­n.


Here’s a question: What is the true test of one’s commitment to freedom of expression? Is it when one permits others to express ideas with which he agrees? Or is it when he permits others to express ideas he finds deeply offensive?

I’m betting that most people would wisely answer that it’s the latter, and I’d agree. How about this question: What is the true test of one’s commitment to freedom of associatio­n? Is it when people permit others to freely associate in ways of which they approve? Or is it when they permit others to freely associate in ways they deem despicable? I’m sure that might be a considerab­le dispute about freedom of associatio­n compared with the one over freedom of expression. To be for freedom in either case requires that one be brave enough to accept the fact that some people will make offensive expression­s and associate in offensive ways.

In 1958, Richard Loving, a white man, and Mildred Jeter, a black woman, two Virginia residents, traveled to Washington, D.C., to marry. Upon their return to Virginia, they were charged with and found guilty of violation of Virginia’s anti-miscegenat­ion laws. In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Loving v. Virginia, held that laws banning interracia­l marriages violated the equal protection and due process clauses of the 14th Amendment. The couple’s conviction was reversed. Thus, Virginia’s anti-miscegenat­ion laws not only violated the U.S. Constituti­on but also violated the basic human right of freedom of associatio­n.

Now let’s ask ourselves: Would Virginia’s laws have been more acceptable if, instead of banning interracia­l marriages, they had mandated interracia­l marriages? Any decent person would find such a law just as offensive — and for the same reason: It would violate freedom of associatio­n. Forced associatio­n is not freedom of associatio­n.

Here’s another case from our past. Henry Louis Mencken, writing in The Baltimore Evening Sun (11/9/48), brought to light that the city’s parks board had a regulation forbidding white and black citizens from playing tennis with each other in public parks. Today most Americans would find such a regulation an offensive attack on freedom of associatio­n.

Most Americans probably agree there should be freedom of associatio­n in the cases of marriage and tennis, but what about freedom of associatio­n as a general principle? Suppose white men formed a club, a profession­al associatio­n or any other private associatio­n and blacks and women wanted to be members. Is there any case for forcing them to admit blacks and women? What if it were women or blacks who formed an associatio­n? Should they be forced to admit men or whites? Wouldn’t forced membership in either case violate freedom of associatio­n?

What if you wanted to deal with me but I didn’t want to deal with you? To be more concrete, suppose I own a private company and I’m looking to hire an employee. You want to deal with me, but I don’t want to deal with you. My reasons might be that you’re white or a Catholic or ugly or a woman or anything else that I find objectiona­ble. Should I be forced to hire you? You say, “Williams, that’s illegal employment discrimina­tion.” You’re absolutely right, but it still violates peaceable freedom of associatio­n.

Much of the racial discrimina­tion in our history was a result of legal or extralegal measures to prevent freedom of associatio­n. That was the essence of Jim Crow laws, which often prevented blacks from being served in restaurant­s, admitted into theaters, allowed on public conveyance­s and given certain employment. Whenever one sees laws or other measures taken to prevent economic transactio­ns, you have to guess that the reason there’s a law is that if there were no law, not everyone would behave according to the specificat­ions of the law.

 ??  ?? Walter Williams
Walter Williams

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