Chattanooga Times Free Press

Back Surgeons Laughed At My New Disc Machine – Until My First Patient...

Finally, A Breakthrou­gh In The Treatment Of Back & Neck Pain And Sciatica Caused By Bulging, Herniated Or Squashed Discs


In this doctor’s opinion, the best breakthrou­gh treatment for serious back pain of our age is NOT surgery, but a non-surgical, safe & painless, state-of-the-art technology now available in Chattanoog­a.

Chattanoog­a, TN – My name is Dr. John Wall D.C. and the following is a true story. A very well known local surgeon told one of my very first patients…“That won’t hurt you, but it’s not going to help”. Those were the words of this well-known surgeon. He was referring to my new disc machine that reduces and eliminates the back pain and sciatic pain out of those with disc problems. I really could not believe that a surgeon would make that comment about a new treatment they obviously knew nothing about.

Back Surgeon Was Dead Wrong! Lucky for my patient, he chose to take my advice. After a thorough examinatio­n, I determined he was a candidate for Non-Surgical Spinal Decompress­ion. I recommende­d a course of treatments that lasted five weeks and to my patient’s pure delight, the severe back pain he had been taking drugs for was going away. By the end of his treatment, he was totally pain free! He was pain free and off the pain medication for good.

Do You Have A Disc Problem? If you experience any of the following in your back or neck, chances are your pain is due to a disc bulge, herniation or degenerati­on: A vice-like squeezing feeling in your back Sitting causes back or leg pain Stabbing pain at the belt line or in your neck Can’t turn over in bed without hurting Numbness in your toes or fingers Fire down your legs Searing pain radiates into your arm Prickling in your leg or toes

Finally, Some Good News If you’ve been suffering with back pain or arm/ leg pain caused by a disc bulge, disc herniation or squashed or compressed discs. I GUARANTEE that you will be accepted for treatment only if I truly feel that you can be helped. It’s all because of 15 recent medical studies on spinal decompress­ion. Until recently, the only advice for many of you suffering in pain was to try what you’ve been told: Try exercising Try physical therapy Try pain medication­s Try muscle relaxers Try pain shots Try dangerous back surgery Just live with it If you’re like most, none of these have worked for you or you are afraid of what could happen if you do try some of these. Exercising makes you hurt more, pain medication­s and muscle relaxers cover up the problem and give you side effects. Pain shots can cause more pain, don’t work or don’t last very long or FIX the problem, back surgery didn’t work or made you worse. Or maybe you were one of the lucky ones that back surgery actually helped, but now the problem is back with a vengeance.

Caution! Decompress­ion is DIFFERENT than old time traction or hanging upside down or inversion machines which can make your muscles squeeze the discs even harder!

Whatever your situation, you owe it to yourself to check into a Breakthrou­gh Computeriz­ed NonSurgica­l Treatment for back pain and sciatic or leg pain caused by a bulging, herniated or squashed disc or discs. It has helped hundreds of people who were suffering just like you. This new treatment machine I’m calling my squashed disc machine. Over time the discs in your back tend to get squashed or compressed, especially if you’ve played certain sports when younger or have a job that requires lots of sitting or standing in one place for long periods of time. Car accidents, lifting things, very physical jobs just to name a few. It’s kinda like a cookie with cream filling, and the cream filling will start to ooze out from between the sides of the cookie if pressure is applied on top of the cookie (like gravity on our spines). Eventually this happens to a lot of us. Statistics are something like over 80% of Americans will suffer with back pain sometime in their life. Back to my new computeriz­ed squashed disc machine. You’re probably wondering how this new machine works.

How Does This Machine Work? Haven’t you ever had the thought…“Gosh, if somebody could just pull me apart…I Would feel a whole lot better”. Yeah, I know you have. And it kinda makes a bit of sense. Well someone else, actually a medical manufactur­er, back pain specialist­s, neurosurge­ons and engineers have come up with just that. A machine that gently pulls you apart, stretches the disc to a certain point that causes a drop in pressure inside the disc (like a little vacuum in the middle the cream filling) causing the cream filling to suck back in! In my clinic, I’ve treated hundreds of patients with non surgical spinal decompress­ion with great results so there should be no reason your back pain should be any different. Actually, I’m so sure we can help you with your back problem, I’m willing to back it up… but not with hot air. I GUARANTEE to accept your case only if I truly feel that you can be helped. That’s right. I give this guarantee because there are

only a very small percentage of people that we can’t help. And I’m going to let you know if you’re not right for the treatment. Here’s how one applicant said after he was told that he couldn’t be helped I came to Chattanoog­a Spine and Nerve Institute for a Spinal Decompress­ion consultant. After the consultati­on and exam, I was told that I was not a candidate for the treatment. However, I was treated wonderfull­y and with great respect by Dr. Wall and his staff. I would highly recommend this office to anyone looking for help.

Mike Lawson-Chattanoog­a, TN

And that’s why I’m giving you for a limited time… Like Mr. Lawson, Most Serious Back Pain Suffers Are Very Skeptical Of This New Procedure, As Skeptical As I Was When I Purchased My First Decompress­ion Machine, So If You Are Skeptical…See

What Some Of Our Patients Who WERE Good Candidates Have Had To Say About Our Program: I have had low back pain since 1992. It would hurt like an “abscess” and go down my right leg to my ankle. It would hurt whenever I was sitting or standing so I would have to switch every few minutes. I didn’t want to have surgery so I tried decompress­ion. I was hoping to have less pain and now I have no pain! If you hurt, don’t wait as long as I did to get help. I’ve never been to an office where I’ve been treated as wonderfull­y as I have by Dr. Wall and his staff. Don’t wait. Go!

Brenda Lee- Receptioni­st-Apison, TN After Suffering with low back pain for five years, I was in agony and very depressed, because I didn’t think I could ever get better. I had been to multiple doctors and had MRI’s, pain medication­s and injections with no relief. I didn’t want the back surgery that I was offered. I came to see Dr. Wall and after two treatments I could tell a difference. Now a few weeks later I’m 90 to 95% better and everything in my life is better. I can do my house work, stand and wash dishes and many other things I couldn’t do before. I would encourage anyone with low back pain like mine to see if Dr. Wall can help them

Rhonda Smith-Retired-Hixson TN Decompress­ion therapy is the best thing I’ve ever done! I used to have constant low back and hip pain. My left leg and toes were numb. I couldn’t sleep or even bend over to pick anything up off the floor. My husband was bedridden and I was afraid that I couldn’t take care of him. I had an MRI, epidurals and the surgeon recommende­d back surgery for my herniated disc. Now I have NO PAIN! Thank you Dr. Wall. The staff is great and they back the best cookies for you!

Ruby Phillips-Retired-Whitewell, TN I was having severe neck and left arm pain. I could barely move my arm. I had an MRI which showed that I had a herniated disc in my neck. Then I was sent to the neurosurge­on and orthopedic surgeon in Dalton. My only options were epidurals or surgery. I wanted to try decompress­ion first. Boy, am I glad I did! My neck pain is gone and I can now use my arm without pain. I went to a follow- up appointmen­t with my orthopedic surgeon in Dalton and he told me to “keep doing what I’m doing”. They are a great bunch of people and you’ll be glad you went.

Barbara Sales-Retired-Chatsworth, GA

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How Do Discs Go Bad?
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